Who I am, what got me here, and what’s next.

I am a Christian conservative husband, father, son, and brother who loves this country and the values it was founded on. I am an unashamed, politically incorrect, social conservative that believes that abortion is murder, homosexuality is what the bible says it is, there are only two genders and you don’t get to pick. Free market capitalism is the best economic system the world has ever known. Liberalism is a plague on society that has replaced the creator with the created, support of life with death, economic freedom with socialist and communism theft and destruction, personal responsibility with perpetual victimization and ultimately will be the death of America if left unchecked.

I was born to stand against it!

I was born in Dallas, Texas to Christian missionary parents, who served in Africa for ten years. In 1989 we moved back to America and lived in San Jose and Fresno for two years before building a house in the foothills of Clovis. I graduated from Sierra High School and then received my bachelors and master’s degree from Fresno State. I have the privilege of being married and the honor of being the father of the three most beautiful girls on earth. They are one of the biggest reasons I do what I do.

In college I saw what was happening to our state with the secular progressive movement and I along with two friends started a conservative company called Patriots for America’s Independence with the goal of educating students about conservatism. After the election of Barack Obama in 2008, I helped form the Central Valley Tea Party and got heavily involved in Valley issues including the fight against radical environmentalism which is attempting to destroy agriculture in the Central Valley, along with many other industries. During that time I was invited to speak at several Tea party events across the country, traveled from the east to the west coast communicating the plight of the Central Valley farmer and ultimately speaking at the 9/12 National Tea Party event in Washington DC.

During those years I met many freedom loving patriots, among them was former Fresno Mayor and now CA State Assemblyman Jim Patterson. In 2010 he asked me to help run his congressional campaign. Although we were outspent 15 to 1 we narrowly lost the election. That process was my first real insight into the political world. Shortly after the campaign I finished my MBA and went to work for a large corporate retailer in Stockton, CA. After two years of having my soul sucked out be politically correct corporate nonsense I decided to start my own fitness business, Ground Force Fitness (which I still operate) and moved back to the Fresno area.

Eventually I went back to work for Jim Patterson, who had since won the bid for CA State Assembly. Working as his field rep, I interacted with voters across the Valley on his behalf and saw first-hand the sickness that is California politics. Although Jim is an honorable man, the majority of elected officials in Sacramento should be in jail! In 2014, after two years of working for the State Assembly I wanted my own political voice back so I went back to work in the private sector as the sales and communications director for a local synthetic grass company and began reengaging in political dialogue.

The years I have spent both in the state government, the private sector, and engaging in political activism have shown me just how dire our situation in California and America is. After eight years of the undermining of American culture and virtues that was the Obama presidency, as well as the steady decline of GOP resolve to stand for conservatism, it is clear that we must stand now, or we will fall. The 2016 Presidential race and victory by President Trump gave millions across this country hope that America is not beyond saving, however, with the election also came a heightened vitriol from the left making our fight now even more critical.

The left and more specifically the Democrat Party and godless cowards on the right have become a force for evil that is attempting to undermine this nation. They hide behind many organizations: BLM, CAIR, ANTIFA, La Raza, and countless nice sounding local community groups, but underneath them all is the same, godless, anti-American, fascist / communist influence and their goal is simple: destroy American from within. The saddest part is that many Republicans are too pathetic to say what is right in front of their face. We are in the midst of a cultural civil war and if we don’t stand now, soon it will be too late. Our children’s lives and future depend on the outcome.

There are two waves heading towards each other that have begun to converge. The outcome of their convergence will determine America’s future. We are at that convergence and we not only have an opportunity to observe the impact, but to take part in determining the outcome. The Central Valley, the State of Jackson, many in the Inland Empire, San Diego, and countless pockets across this state are being called to rise, to stand for righteousness. We are the Christian conservative remnant, the last light in the darkness, for such a time as this.

For the past several months I have been traveling the state exposing the left and inspiring/mobilizing Christian conservatives to stand up for what we believe in: Christ, Family, and Country. Now with the introduction of Frontline Radio, and this website I would like to invite you to join me in this fight to restore the Nation’s identity once again to One Nation Under God.

For those who can contribute financially, please do at the Support the Mission link . For those who are on the frontlines in the fight already, please let me know how I can be of service – send your events to me and I will add them to the calendar. Also, share events that the left will be having as well so we can effectively mobilize against them. Above all though, pray, for this mission, and how God wants to use you.

#MAGA Support President Trump and stand against the godless anti-American radical leftist agenda.


Frontline America