Battlefield Update, Killing Hizbollah & Understanding Islam’s Defeat Mechanism

Hezbollah is a Lebanese Shia Islamist political party and paramilitary group, led since 1992 by its Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah. Hezbollah’s paramilitary wing is the Jihad Council, and its political wing is the Loyalty to the Resistance Bloc party in the Lebanese Parliament.

The following is a Battlefield Update by John D. Guandolo.

18 September 2024

We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets, we shall fight in the hills; we shall never, never, never surrender. 

Killing Hizbollah & Understanding Islam’s Defeat Mechanism

by John D. Guandolo

In a spectacular operation this week, Israel killed and wounded thousands of Hizbollah jihadis, created havoc inside Hizbollah, and has very likely made it difficult for Hizbollah HQ to communicate with its rank and file for some time to come.

The details of this operation are worthy of study by governments around the world who actually want to defeat the Islamic enemy – if there are any outside of Israel – instead of just talk about it.

More important is how this operation is viewed from the perspective of the Global Islamic Movement.

In 1993, the OIC (Organisation of Islamic Cooperation) – made up of every Islamic nation on earth (56) as well as something the OIC calls the “State of Palestine” – served the Cairo Declaration on Human Rights in Islam (hereafter “Cairo Declaration”) to the United Nations as a formal document from the kings and heads of state of the entire muslim world.

The OIC, which previously approved the Cairo Declaration in 1990, is the largest voting block in the United Nations.

The last two articles in the Cairo Declaration state:

ARTICLE 24:All the rights and freedoms stipulated in this Declaration are subject to the Islamic Shari’ah.

ARTICLE 25: The Islamic Shari’ah is the only source of reference for the explanation or clarification of any of the articles of this Declaration. (emphasis added)

The Cairo Declaration makes clear the entire muslim world, at the geopolitical level, views relations with the world only through the lens of sharia – Islamic Law.

This means killing people who leave Islam, commit adultery, and kill muslims without right under sharia, like U.S. soldiers, constitute muslims exercising their “HUMAN RIGHTS.”

While the non-muslim world rarely operates in absolutes, Islam’s sharia (allah’s divine law) resides there.

All published Islamic Law/sharia obliges muslims to wage war against the non-muslim world until allah’s divine law/sharia is imposed on every human on earth. 100% of texts books used in Islamic schools to teach muslim children about Islam states this is the singular purpose of Islam, as does all authoritatively published books of sharia.

Therefore, when engaged with the Islamic adversary in war, as the West is and has been, it is critical from a war-fighting standpoint to understand how sharia guides Islamic soldiers in war, and what sharia says about Islams defeat mechanism – what will get the Global Islamic Movement to stop fighting.

Sharia obliges muslims to engage in jihad under specific circumstances as laid out in sharia. When the muslim community has the material resources and ability to wage jihad, the Ummah – global Islamic community – must wage war.

Sharia also recognizes that continuous and/or significant losses by muslims indicate it they are not fighting in jihad – because allah does not lose jihad – but rather engaged in a criminal action under sharia which carries the death penalty for these muslims.

In fact, if U.S. generals actually read sharia – none of them did during the wars in Afghanistan, Iraq, Syria – they would know continuous victories by non-muslim forces against muslims undergirded by information operations targeting the Islamic community informing them of the continuous defeats would force muslims to take up arms and kill the “muslim criminals” calling themselves jihadis.

Therefore, to get the muslims to stop fighting, they must be made to feel utterly defeated.

What Israel did and continues to do to Hamas, an inherent part of the International Muslim Brotherhood, and Hizbollah, an arm of the Iranian government, is to make them feel defeated to such a level that if Israel continues aggressive military and information operations campaign targeting key centers of the global jihad – such as Qatari funding, Saudi funding and operations, Turkey’s operations – they could literally bring the global jihad to a screeching halt.

Knowing sharia is the key to knowing how to defeat the Global Islamic Movement and the multi-faceted war it is waging against the free world. While most leaders in Europe, North America, Australia, New Zealand, and elsewhere continue to appease and fawn over Islamic jihadis posing as friends in their countries, Israel has the potential, singlehandedly, to make a huge difference in this global war, and possibly end it by crushing these barbarians here and now.

It should be noted that historically, Islamic jihad has only been defeated on the battlefield by nations willing to utterly defeat the Islamic armies.

Does Israel have the fortitude to see this through? Only time will tell us that.

To read this article on the website click HERE

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“Is life so dear, or peace so sweet, as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery? Forbid it, Almighty God! I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty, or give me death!”

Patrick Henry, March of 1775, St. John’s Church in Richmond, Virginia

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