Bergquam and Newsome Uncover Illegal Immigration Crisis in Chicago: Crime Surge and New Hotel for Illegals

Ben Bergquam of Real America’s Voice and Terry Newsome of Behind Enemy Lines podcast, as mentioned in this earlier article on Frontline America,  have teamed up to investigate what they see as an illegal immigration crisis in Chicago with surging crime rates – especially around what is being called “migrants centers’ for illegals.

Their recent investigative work includes digging into FOIA requests about migrant facilities in the city, exposing high rates of crimes in those areas. Also, they have exposed the construction of a new hotel to house illegals, who are likely being moved around the area in preparation for the upcoming Democrat Convention.

Together, Bergquam and Newsome filmed their visit to a Holiday Inn near Midway Airport, which has been converted into housing for illegal immigrants, which is an excruciating process for Newsome, a resident of the area.

Reflecting on the neighborhood’s history, Newsome contrasts its proud WWII past with the current situation where the hotel is now dedicated to migrants, funded by NGOs like Catholic Charities and New Life Centers, and used in what Newsome and others see as an illegal infiltration of the area.

The organizations called out to provide extensive support, including free groceries and housing, while homeless residents face harsh conditions, as exposed by Newsome’s investigations and the earlier GWP coverage.

To add to the painful story, for example, the City of Chicago has spent about $300 million on the crisis since 2022, funded by increased taxes, which is forcing Americans in Chicago to pay for the destruction of their own hometown.

Bergquam posted the video where he questions the purpose of the new hotel, which appears to be of the same sort of set up of other areas where illegals are housed around the Sanctuary city of Chicago:

Bergquam and Newsome’s investigations continue, and so will our coverage, as Chicago prepares for the Democratic National Convention in late August 2024. This raises the question of where all these people will end up and who is paying for all of these expenses.

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