Bergquam Exposes More Illegals in USA Than Population of 7 States, Reminds People to “Out-Vote the Fraud”, Or Lose the Country

Last week Ben Bergquam presented a dramatic comparison of some state populations he had recently driven through with his family with the number of illegals that have been estimated to have entered the United States under the Biden administration.

Bergquam estimated that the combined populations of Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, and Nebraska—totaling under nine million people—are less than the number of illegals, which he estimates to be between 10 to 15 million, allowed into the country by President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris over the last three and a half years.

Bergquam expands his argument by adding Kansas and Oklahoma to his comparison, suggesting that the total population of these seven states would still be smaller than the number of illegals likely in the country. He reminds his audience that the number of illegals could significantly alter the political landscape, potentially affecting voting outcomes in various states.

With the small number of votes President Trump lost in the 2020 election, we know that even a fraction of these individuals could influence presidential and congressional races and state delegations, implying a direct threat to the existing political order.

In the video below, Bergquam also accuses the Democratic Party of intentionally using immigration to shift the balance of power in the U.S., particularly by increasing the populations of states to affect congressional representation. He frames it as a deliberate plan by what he refers to as “enemies within our government.”

Check it out:

And here is Bergquam’s plan to save the Republic for his family, and what the rest of us can do:

“It is up to you to out vote the fraud. Do everything that you can to get MAGA to the polls.”

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