Clashes at the Republican National Convention: A Glimpse into the Communist Revolution [VIDEO]

In front of the Republican National Convention in Milwaukee on Tuesday, Ben Bergquam confronts protesters chanting for a “Communist Revolution,” highlighting the intense ideological divide and their alarming reluctance to denounce violence, including the recent assassination attempt on Trump.


Milwaukee, Wisconsin – As the Republican National Convention (RNC) unfolded in Milwaukee, a parallel spectacle played out just outside its secure perimeter. Ben Bergquam, a reporter known for his outspoken conservative views, walked alongside a protest parade of self-identified Communists and Antifa members, capturing a raw and unfiltered glimpse of the discontent brewing against the GOP and its agenda

Amidst the chants and marches, Bergquam attempted to engage with the protesters, seeking to understand their motives and sentiments. “Got the crazies out here. They’re marching, talking about shutting it down,” Bergquam noted, emphasizing the chaotic atmosphere. “We’ve got Antifa here. Lots of Antifa. We’ll try to see what the chants are.”

Approaching various individuals, Bergquam asked pointed questions about their political views and opinions on recent events. However, responses were often evasive or hostile. One protester remarked, “Biden’s gotta go. All of them. Got all of them. Who do you want in there instead? Anybody that can be just and fair in this democracy. But not Biden. Not Trump.”

The conversation took a darker turn when Bergquam raised the topic of the assassination attempt on former President Trump. Despite repeated attempts, he struggled to get a clear condemnation. “What do you think about the assassination attempt on Trump? Is that okay?” Bergquam pressed. The responses ranged from silence to non-committal answers, with one individual dismissively stating, “No comment.”

Bergquam’s frustration grew as he encountered resistance and hostility. “Can we agree that the assassination attempt on President Trump was bad?” he asked. The lack of denouncement highlighted the deep polarization and animosity present among the protesters. One participant, when directly confronted, retorted, “You’re a Nazi too. You don’t know me. How do you say that?”

The atmosphere was charged, with slogans and chants echoing through the streets. “No Trump, no KKK, no racist USA!” they chanted, a clear indication of their disdain for the current political climate. One particularly striking exchange involved a self-proclaimed member of the Freedom Road Socialist Organization. “We are here to march for an agenda of peace, justice, and equality,” he stated. Yet, when asked about the assassination attempt on Trump, he deflected, “I’m here to oppose the Republican agenda.”

As Bergquam continued his reporting, he noted the presence of various factions, each with their own agendas. “You got communists out here. You’ve got Antifa. Can we denounce Hamas? How about denounce fascists like Antifa?” he questioned, receiving little more than jeers and dismissals in return.

In a particularly revealing moment, one protester openly declared, “There is only one solution: Communist Revolution.” This sentiment encapsulated the radical edge of the protests, revealing a desire for systemic upheaval rather than mere political reform.

Bergquam summarized the situation in stark terms. “This is a battle of good versus evil. This is evil. This represents evil,” he stated emphatically. “They are exactly what they claim to hate. They are the fascists. They are the racists. They are the bigots.”

As the protest march wound its way toward the RNC entrance, Bergquam’s interactions painted a vivid picture of the unhinged left: “This is the Democrat Party. The grassroots of the Democrat Party is right there,” he concluded.

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