Eric Adams Cries that Crowded NYC, a Sanctuary City, Isn’t so Fun Anymore

The beautiful and spacious state of New York is full to capacity, according to Democrat Mayor Eric Adams, who announced that while he supports the Democrat agenda of ushering in the world’s poor as a Sanctuary city for unvetted and penniless- to our nation’s shores,  and he likes giving economic migrants permission to roam the countryside of our nation and make their homes here, they just can’t come to his state- because his state has no more room for anyone else.

And Adams isn’t lying.  Even though the Democrat supported Joe Biden and his policies for the open borders of the US, Adams was not at all prepared for the tsunami of illegal immigrants by passing the immigration system- that would be turning New York City into a ‘border town”.

According to media sources, Adamas is feeling stretched after he welcomed approximately 90,000 migrants since April 2022.

This week Adams is complaining about the situation- again.

“We stated several months ago that we have reached full capacity and that full capacity was verbalized, and now New York is just going to be visually actualized. We’re going to see how much of our cup has basically runneth over. We have no more room in the city, and we need help,” Adams said in a press conference Wednesday.

In Mid-May, Adams was grasping at straws about what to do with all of his new residents.  Media reports show that one solution Adams came up with was to put illegal immigrants in  20 city public school gyms to hold migrants, although he claimed it’s just a possibility — despite photos this week showing beds set up in two of them and principals warning parents about the move.

In June Adams shipped migrants around the world to get rid of them, according to Politico who reported:

After lashing out at leading Republicans for busing asylum-seekers to Democrat-led cities, New York Mayor Eric Adams turned around and did something similar — sending dozens of migrants to red states like Florida and Texas.

And Adams didn’t stop at the nation’s borders.

“Between April 2022 and April 2023, New York City spent around $50,000 to resettle 114 migrant households in cities around the U.S. and the globe, according to information obtained exclusively by POLITICO through a public information request. Some were sent to countries in South America — and one all the way to China.

The most common destinations were Florida, which received 28 families, and Texas, which received 14.

That represents a fraction of the nearly 79,000 migrants who entered the city since last spring, and is thousands fewer than Gov. Greg Abbott has sent out of Texas. But the fact that New York City paid for trips to Republican strongholds could further inflame national tensions on a subject that is sure to influence both Congressional races and President Joe Biden’s reelection bid.”

So- Adams is now claiming that there is no more room in the city for illegal border crossers.

Mike LaChance reported on the situation and wrote, “the strategy of sending these people from border states to blue areas has worked very well. Liberals are starting to understand what their policies do to people in other parts of the country.

Adams is even planning to send fliers down to the border to let illegals know that they will not find shelter in New York.”

Politico reported on the Wednesday Presser with more details:

New York City Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat, has said for months his city has no more capacity to house asylum-seekers.

On Wednesday, he switched on a virtual ‘No Vacancy’ sign with a dramatic change in policy after absorbing more than 90,000 migrants in the five boroughs since last year with little help from the federal government.

Under a new mayoral directive, single adult migrants will only be allowed to stay in the city’s shelter system for 60 days, after which they will be required to reapply for a slot. The idea, Adams said at a City Hall press conference, is to prioritize shelter beds for families while helping single adults search for other places for them to stay, whether it is with friends or family elsewhere.

“Our goal is: no child, no family is sleeping on the streets,” Adams said. “That’s our goal, and we’re getting closer and closer to being unable to fulfill even that.”

New York City is one of the only metro areas in the country with a right to shelter, meaning people looking for a bed will be housed for as long as they need one. There are about 55,000 migrants in the system, making up slightly more than half of the total shelter population, a record amount.

See the video below:


Fox News reported on the frustration Adams has:

Adams admitted that offering temporary shelter, placing migrants in hotels, school gymnasiums is “not sustainable,” saying that its “wrong” that the Big Apple is “carrying the weight” of the ongoing migrant crisis.

“This cannot continue, is not sustainable, and we’re not going to pretend as though it is sustainable,” the mayor said. “This is wrong that New York City is carrying the weight of a national problem.”

“This is wrong that New York City is carrying the weight of a national problem.”

Under Adam’s new plan to tackle the migrant crisis, he announced that single adult migrants will only be able to stay in the city’s shelters for 60 days, and will need to reapply for a space after that.

Adams said Wednesday the city would try to help migrants find housing with relatives and friends.

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