Exclusive! Illegal Migrants Confirmed as Olympic Security Guards, Ben Bergquam’s Paris Report

In a recent report from Paris, Real America’s Voice, Ben Bergquam shared his exclusive investigations about the changing dynamics he witnessed in 2023 under the Eiffel Tower. This shed light on his concerns regarding violent and aggressive illegals being employed as security in France. What he discovered and had law enforcement confirm is shocking.

Illegals are being used as security around the Eiffel Tower area they once terrorized. Here is the story:

“Made it back to the Eiffel Tower here,” Bergquam began, noting a noticeable shift since his last visit.

Previously, the area beneath the iconic monument was populated by illegal migrants from Africa, including Senegal, Mauritania, and other North African countries. “Last time I was here, this whole area… was full of illegals,” he recounted, describing the atmosphere as aggressive and fraught with tensions.

We covered that story:

In 2024 as the world had their eyes on the Olympics, Bergquam observed that the scene has changed significantly around the same area. “Now they’re all gone,” he said. He speculated that the migrants may have been relocated or repurposed for new roles, specifically in the context of the upcoming Paris Olympics. “It appears that they’ve moved to doing security for the Olympics,” Bergquam suggested.

He pointed out that many of the security personnel now wearing yellow vests marked “BS Protection” seemed to be the same individuals who were previously engaged in selling illegal goods under the Eiffel Tower. “All the security guys I’ve seen so far… appear to be the illegal African migrants that were here under the Eiffel Tower,” he stated. Bergquam sought confirmation from French authorities, questioning whether these individuals were indeed hired by security firms for the Olympics.

Bergquam recounted a troubling incident from his previous visit: “The last time I was here… they raped a girl right under the Eiffel Tower.” He also mentioned personal encounters with aggressive individuals among the migrants, including one who attempted to attack him. “I saw him yesterday on a whole nother side of the city,” he noted.

Adding to his concerns, Bergquam spoke with local police, who reportedly confirmed his observations. “The police guy just told me that… all the illegals… have been pushed off because of the police, but that they’ve all gone to work for this security company,” he said. He described this development as “absolutely nuts” and expressed his reservations about the reliability of the security provided by these individuals.

“As long as the European countries continue to stay in that compact, they’re committing national suicide.” He suggested that European nations must reclaim control over their borders from international bodies like the United Nations and the European Union.

In Bergquam’s view, the rising right-wing sentiment across Europe reflects a backlash against what he sees as a dangerous and misguided approach to migration. “That is why most of Europe is shifting back to the right against Communists, against the left, and against Jihadists,” he argued. “You have to take them back and say you control the sovereignty of your borders, not the United Nations, not the European Union.”


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