Forgiato Blow’s Magadonia is Going to Rock the Campaign Trail Like a Hip Hop Beast -MAGA Afirming

Trump saved the USA, from the land of the free and brave, I love my country they can’t take that away… ” that is some music..

There can not be a grassroots Populist movement in the USA without some authentic rap tunes to go along with the political grind we face over the next year and a half. We cannot make it to Nov. 2024 without some good tunes and fun. Right?

If you agree- check out this latest album by Forgiato Blow and his buds. MagaDonia

If you are part of the ‘MAGA nation’, this is a perfect soundtrack to get you into action.

All of the tunes on this album will make sense if you support President Donald J. Trump and want him back in the White House- you will especially need to ‘feel the love’ when all the pundits start hating on him.

This album will transfer you to- sanity island.

We ‘Magats’ as the left calls us- all know we will be targeted, and Trump will be targeted and mocked for his patriotism; these tunes are full of your kind of crew with defenders of liberty- like you.

You will hear  @JimmyLevy x @nicknittoli x @StoneyDudebro and others on the tracks.

In the song- Trump’s Indictment, you will hear “Trump did nothing wrong but fight for the people” and other great lyrics.

We will need the sustenance of this MAGA-affirming song as states dive into their state’s primary voting. Imagine being in a long primary election line- we are going to have something on our earbuds like Boycott Target, with lyrics like- “We need a clean up in every isle, wash it with the blood of Jesus Christ.”

Tell your friends to tune in.

Want to hear about how Trump saved the USA, pedophiles, Cocaine and Hunter’s Crack Pipe, patriotism, racism, two tired systems of Justice, the Biden crime family, Targeting our Kids, and so much more- this is the perfect album for you. These emerging rap and hip-hop artists who are working with Forgiato are very talented.

You will be dancing around to these familiar, albeit frustrating, themes with all of your brothers and sisters in MAGA.

But first- remember it all comes down to voting for America First candidates. If we don’t vote, we have no chance of winning.



All of the door knockers, rally attendees, and political pundits, voters and activists will need some tunes- and here is the album for those deplorables who are about to blaze a path to the voting booth for President Donald J. Trump and for the future off the United Staes.

With the sounds of Forgiato Blow that we are used to, there is a rap here for everyone.

Of course, Trump Saved the USA is hauntingly familiar to the wanker-lefist Bruce Springsteen’s patriotic ‘Born in the USA,’ who made fame and fortune sounding like a great working-class Populist— only to then turn haughty and push leftism.

Something we know for sure- is that our guy, Forgiato, who is “Trump’s Nephew” on social media, won’t pull a ‘wanker Springsteen’ on his fans. Frontline has chatted with Forgiato about how he really feels about Trump, and there is a genuine reverence for Trump fro, the Hip Hop star about what he sees in Trump- It is the businessman that resonates with him and that he talks about in his songs- and isn’t that really what draws Populists together?

I like the footage of this video which shows the makeup of this Populist tribe of Trump supporters:

We need to support this artist- because he is one of us.

“Thanks for the support in helping me get “MAGADONIA” to #1 on iTunes. We are currently #14,” Forgiato told Frontline America.

We agree- it is a great album. Get it on tunes- if you can, so that everyone knows how much of a force we can be on their creepy woke culture: ITUNES.

The jams start with Trump Saved the USA and keep rocking out to the end, music and rap lyrics are intertwined with interesting statements by some of the political leaders you are sure to recognize and little bits of news stories: