Immortal Independent Bannon

Credit for the Pencil drawing: Chris Hiers

Steve Bannon is inspiring a patriotic movement of Americans; having achieved precisely what he set out to do a long time ago, he has ignited people with a new purpose for life. So no one can ever say that Bannon’s purpose was never achieved.

Hiers, who was inspired to draw Bannon as the great Naval hero- John Paul Jones- had a 40-year art career and said about his inspiration for the Bannon drawing: “I drew for Rush Limbaugh for 20 years, his monthly Limbaugh Letter covers and illustrated his Rush Revere books as well. After he died, I was gutted tbh and decided to return to drawing basics. I have evolved into an old-school pencil portrait artist, and I have 2 books are in the works now, and I feel in a pretty good groove again ,” adding about the Bannon piece specifically:

“This particular work [Bannon as John Paul Jones] was rooted in a show of support for the “Honey Badger” SKB after he was leaving the courtroom last Sept and he quoted John Paul Jones. “I have not yet…” I thought it would make an interesting piece.”

Those are the kinds of Amazing Americans Bannon and his War Room inspire. He layers his listeners with his ‘Founding Father’ fighting spirit.

Of course, he has his detractors too.

The haughty left totally underestimated Steve Bannon, host of the War Room program, completely missing his potential to reach people’s minds and blowing past the way he easily can inspire people’s spirits to rise with his stories, being totally tone deaf to his verbal gifts- even going as far as calling him “garrulous” years ago while mocking his passion for human liberty and American freedom.


  1. excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.”Polonius is portrayed as a foolish, garrulous old man.”

That is pretty funny, looking back- isn’t it? Now he talks to millions of people almost every day. People can not get enough of hearing from him about his ideas and beliefs and about his take on politics in the nation’s capital of Washington DC.

Bannon sits in a place right behind the US Supreme Court, an easy walk for most movers and shakers in DC.

Now, US Congressmen and Congresswomen seek his audience, and there is a long line of people who want a few moments with his highly educated War Room audience, who call themselves – the Posse.

Made up of supporters of President Donald J. Trump, the War Room Program is the ‘Messaging. Branding and PR’ central communication hub of the MAGA movement, and has grown into an envious political force under the leadership of Bannon, as he has sifted through all of the apathetic Americans in the nation and built a daily following of ‘action-focused’ minute-men and women.

Bannon, also called the ‘Honey Badger,’ is honest in that he expects his audience to live up to a standard of patriotic duty to the nation.

Seeing Bannon be effective in moving people into action is actually pretty amazing, knowing that before 2016 it was almost impossible to motivate most Americans to care about their citizenship long enough to stand in line to vote in one election.

And now, in 2023, people stand in lines for hours to shake Bannon’s hand and thank him for his tireless advocacy for Trump, MAGA, America First and topics that only he discusses in public- deconstructing the left and dismantling the vicious, overly powerful administrative state.

Now many of the MAGA War Room Posse tune in to Real America’s Voice for 4 hours a day, take notes, and return to the field to influence others with what they have learned from Bannon, making him a bonafide leader.

Bannon has also made the War Room program a culture leader. The culture of ‘action, action, action’.

Bannon has formed an Army of deeply invested Americans, inspiring them with his special gifting of communication- like no other American before him. Bannon is, no doubt, the comms department for the greatest political movement in modern-day politics. That is pretty ironic for a dude who was called “garrulous”.

There is a lot to talk about for Americans to turn the ship around on the apathetic scoundrels who have enabled the likes of Democrat Joe Biden. There are a lot of strategies devised. Think about this…Bannon, and Real America’s Voice, are all of these categories- in a way

The six categories of military comms are:

  • alert measurement systems.
  • cryptography.
  • military radio systems.
  • nuclear command and control.
  • signal corps.
  • network-centric warfare

At any given time, someone could make the case that Bannon and his War Room ‘Posse’ are filling all of these definitions. Read more about that HERE, if you want to really geek out more about military Comms.

Public Relations is built on Communications.

My Grandfather, Loy Baxter, who was once the Vice President of J. Walter Thompson, told me that Sam Adams was the PR agent of the Tea Party. PR and military comms were my Grandfather’s life. He used to tell me about how he built a recruitment movement for his account, The US Marines- he used PR tactics and Communications to do that.

So because of my Grandpa- I do sort of geek out about these things- and I want to point out that Adams was a founding father level.

I see something in Bannon…

This group sees it:

Stick with me…Bonnie sees it:

So it is not a giant mental leap to see my point here:

I say, Bannon, who is clearly the culture guru, a PR agent of the MAGA movement, is also excelling in communications; therefore, he is ‘founding father’ level.

He is immortal now.

Hiers’s drawing proves I am not alone in my thinking:


Lisa Kennedy from the Denver Post wrote about Bannon in 2011, and his move about Sarah Palin, The Undefeated:

“Stephen Bannon begins his Sarah Palin documentary, “The Undefeated,” with a Bible verse from Matthew about good trees and evil trees and the types of fruit they bear.

It’s intercut with images of Palin and a montage of entertainers (Madonna, Bill Maher and Roseanne Barr, to name an obvious few) mouthing off about the former governor of Alaska who was at the time of the diatribes and jibes the Republican nominee for vice president of the United States.

It’s an unsubtle and vexing bit of business. Because the riffs are foul and undisciplined. But also because the montage represents a style of documentary editing intended to gall and rally fresh troops.

Yet it would be too easy to treat the maker of the conservative fest- circuit faves like “Generation Zero” (about the recent financial meltdown) and “Fire From the Heartland: The Awakening of the Conservative Woman” as merely a partisan with a camera and some deep pockets.

It’s also wise to think of him as yet another indie filmmaker, honing a style, harboring big ambitions and acting on an inkling there’s an untapped audience for his wares.

After all, the question that got the garrulous 57-year-old, former Navy man and onetime investment banker (he worked for Goldman Sachs before starting his own firm and then selling it) most excited was one I often pose to documentary filmmakers: How many hours of footage did you begin with?”

“Oh, I love that question” (Answer: 50 to 60 hours), Bannon replied while touring one of the 10 cities with AMC theaters where “The Undefeated” opened Friday. (It’s playing at the AMC Highlands Ranch 24.)

Here are five more we asked.

Q: What inspired you to make documentaries? Or is there a narrative feature in you we don’t know about?

A: No, I love the world of nonfiction film. I think the characters — people like Ronald Reagan and Gov. Palin, the people in “Generation Zero” and “Fires of the Heartland” — are fascinating. Documentary has been too stodgy. Whether you like it or hate it, “The Undefeated” is not a PBS documentary. Ken Burns did these sweeping epics.

But I think Michael Moore really did it. I know people try to rip them off or emulate them. But the real lesson I took away from Michael Moore is that film has a huge impact if you do it in a certain way.

Culture is upriver from politics, much more powerful than politics.

Q: Were there any ground rules?

A: I was approached by Rebecca Mansour, the governor’s communication director, and Tim Crawford, who ran her political action committee, after a screening. They wanted me to make these three- to five-minute vignettes that would be posted on YouTube. I said, “God Bless you, but I have no interest in doing that. I’m 57 years old. My focus is on a feature documentary. I said, “We’ll put up all the money. There’s no creative control. We don’t work for the PAC. We’ll be completely clear of each other.”

Q: Why isn’t the film opening in Alaska?

A: There aren’t any AMC theaters in Alaska. But I know people are going to want to see it, whether they love Sarah Palin or don’t love Sarah Palin. We certainly want to have a good opening, and then we’ll take it out to other areas. We’re definitely going to Alaska because I think there’s money to be made in Alaska.

Q: As a film person, I’m ambivalent about the tension between being moved and feeling manipulated by a movie. You chose to open the film very aggressively.

A: I think there’s a fine line between being manipulative and having a point of view. Go back to Michael Moore, for a second.

Q: I would be asking him the same question.

A: Here’s what I was trying to do, I was trying to shake people out of their complacency. I’m trying to talk to people who follow politics only when they have to. I thought, “Somehow I had to grab people by the throat and shake them awake.” When people say Palin’s picked on by the mainstream media, they usually mean Tina Fey, Chris Matthews, Keith Olbermann. And that’s what I try to show. It’s much more of a pop-culture beat-down.

Q: You live in L.A. Every once in a while I hear rumblings from L.A.- based filmmakers with conservative politics about how they feel in that town.

A: People don’t like when I say this, but I’m a free-market capitalist, and I despise people that really think about victimhood. We’re not victims.

The brutal reality is most conservative films, most Christian films, God bless them, they’re well-intentioned, but they just aren’t very good. That’s the brutal reality, and the marketplace tells us that. They don’t do well in theaters. They don’t sell DVDs. They’re not watched on TV. We’ve just got to do better. And the only way to make them better is to keep making them and find an audience that will watch them, make your money back and go on and make another.


That was what Bannon said in 2011- and now look at what he has helped inspire in 2023 :

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Here is some of our past coverage of Bannon:

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