Jesus wins in a Blowout at Dodgers Stadium Americans Reclaim Sports from ‘Woke-ies’.

On Friday at Dodgers Stadium, a group of Jesus fans showed up at a celebration of sexual fetishes and homosexuality and had a total shutout, with Jesus fans displaying the numbers of interested sports fans who want to watch baseball without the political and sexual indoctrination and propaganda that has almost destroyed American sports.

When Dodger Stadium opened the door to “nuns” they may not have expected what would happen.

The horrifying and sinister optics of honoring debauchery went viral and so did the push-back by determined Christians and other concerned sports fans:

Here was the scene at the all-important event where the Dodgers wanted to honor transvestite nuns as ‘human and civil rights leaders” while debasing the tenets of the Catholic faith:

And here is where the crowds were, protesting and praying against the powers who were defiling an important world faith in God:

The crowd held an exorcism to rid the stadium of evil spirits:

According to media reports, after a month of often-vitriolic debate and a well-publicized change of heart by the team, the Dodgers are hosting their annual LGBTQ+ Pride Night despite angering the Catholic Church and Christian organizations due to the inclusion of the self-described “queer and trans nuns.”

The Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, who are members of the LGBTQ+ community who dress in religious-looking garb, will receive a Community Hero Award during the Pride Night celebration, honoring the group’s efforts to promote human rights, diversity and “spiritual enlightenment.”

The group says they are not mocking the Catholic Church and are a nonprofit that aims to help the LGBTQ+ community.

“The idea of being a fake nun is also a little problematic, mostly because we do take vows of service to the LGBTQ community for nonprofit work and it is the kind of vow that you take for the rest of your life, so it is very similar to the kind of care work a nun would do,” said Sister Electra-Complex.

And sports fans are just plain sick and tired of the nonsense.

Everywhere American sports fans are showing that they have had enough of the leftist push to force sexuality and politics into sports, as displayed in this report by Robby Starbuck:

Here are details from ABC 7:

Fans in attendance of Friday’s Pride Night at Dodger Stadium enjoyed the game and celebration of the LGBTQ community, despite the thousands of protesters outside who opposed the team’s decision to include the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence in their event.

AIR7HD captured the crowd making their way to the stadium holding up signs and waving flags before the game got underway.

“There are nuns who have dedicated their lives to Jesus Christ, and now you’ve got this group of people who are mocking nuns, dressing up as nuns,” said Luella Wagner of Woodland Hills, who was out with the protesters.

Some in the crowd said the gathering was a prayer, and not a protest.

“This is prayer, not a protest. We are basically praying for the so called nuns,” said Jesse Bustamante of Whittier. “We should be tolerate of everyone. Likewise, they should be tolerant of our faith in our feelings.”

The streets were filled with protests:

Dodgers Stadium opened the door to blowback. We will update if there is any official reaction to the humiliating defeat of team “woke” by Team Jesus.

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