Kamala’s Shift: The Real Reason She’s Appeasing Communists Uncovered at the DNC by Ben Bergquam

Ben Bergquam reported live from the Democrat National Convention in Chicago, highlighting significant divisions within the party. He observed a parade of Democrats demanding the ouster of Kamala Harris and Joe Biden, with participants calling for socialism, communism, and even anarchy.

“I was talking to some Communists and they said they wont be happy until there is a Communist revolution around the country, so Republican or Democrats, it doesn’t matter, they are coming for you,” Bergquam said in his report.

Bergquam noted a sharp contrast between the unity he witnessed at the Republican National Convention for President Trump and the disarray within the Democratic ranks. According to Bergquam, many on the radical left believe that Kamala Harris isn’t “left” enough, leading to dissatisfaction with her attempts to control prices and shift her platform. Despite her efforts, many attendees view them as “too little, too late.”

Bergquam also mentioned the presence of graphic displays at the convention, including a statue of a “bloody Kamala Harris and Jill Biden,” which he described as part of a larger puppet-like figure that resembled a bloody Joe Biden. This imagery underscores the intense divisions and frustrations within the party. 4

In his report, he pointed out that the open support for communism and anti-American sentiments among some Democrats is more visible than ever. He remarked that while Democrats used to focus on issues like unions, abortion, and LGBTQ rights, the current narrative has shifted towards outright advocacy for communism and anarchy.

In his conversations with some participants, Bergquam learned that their goal is a complete communist revolution in the United States, one that transcends party lines. They indicated that their movement would target both Republicans and Democrats, emphasizing that they wouldn’t stop until they achieved their aims. Bergquam’s report paints a picture of a party grappling with deep ideological divisions and radical elements that threaten its cohesion.


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