[NEW FILING] More Fraud! Kari Lake Claims Urgency, Wants a Transfer to AZ Supreme Court Because of 2024 Election

On Friday, Kari Lake’s attorney Kurt Olson filed a petition to transfer their lawsuit to the Arizona Supreme Court from the Court of Appeals. Olsen made his plea based upon their claim to have “extraordinary, new evidence,” citing his reasoning with statutes and claiming that the lawsuit before the courts has “statewide importance and the urgency of remedying the election maladministration affecting the 2022 election in the upcoming 2024 election.”

But the media is refusing to address anything from Lake or the team as having any legitimate public concern. And her opponents continue to use stall tactics which the media rushes to report on.

Lake and her legal teams say there is no more time to waste on any of that nonsense.

The wheels of justice move very, very slowly, especially when there is someone intentionally playing lawfare and trying to make the courts grind down even slower than usual, and this is no time to drag out a case as important as an election integrity lawsuit.

Especially one where there are highly suspicious actions by top election officials from the media and from radical political groups- who ARE moving ahead on 2024, and who appear to have a way of rigging elections and disenfranchising a significant number of votes by the American people.

These legal moves by Lake’s team are about the sacred nature of the American election process, which feels like we are about to lose, so the urgency is real.

We know from another lawsuit on behalf of Mohave Co. that Maricopa County needs to be scrutinized, according to AZ State Sen. Sonny Borrelli, who also filed a lawsuit against Maricopa County.

Borrelli’s lawsuit included evidence Maricopa performed illegal Voter Signature verifications, so that is more evidence that something is very wrong and needs to be fixed.

Borrelli, in his lawsuit, accused Maricopa Co officials of“experimented with unproven and proprietary artificial intelligence in voter signature verification.”

Borrelli’s lawsuit states that due to Maricopa County’s use of “unproven software programs that improperly but unavoidably influenced the judgment of poorly trained workers tasked with signature verification, in violation of Arizona statutory law, the voting strength of residents of Mohave County, Arizona, was diluted and their Constitutional rights were violated.”

“Borrelli told The Gateway Pundit, “I’m challenging the fact that Maricopa County is the only county that used artificial intelligence to verify signatures on a ballot envelope.” He continued, “there’s nothing in the law that allows them to do that.”

“The legislature never passed a law to allow this type of technology. It’s not in the Elections Procedures Manual,” Borrelli stated

“It’s obvious that Maricopa County went rogue and just did whatever they wanted to do, without any legislative authority whatsoever.”

So time is of the essence to figure this one out.

Lake says there is an urgency to get this one right and is slamming the process in Maricopa, CO., as one of the most obvious reasons why action is needed quickly.

Olson stated in the Friday filing for Lake that Maricopa County” falsely certified that it successfully completed logic and accuracy testing (L and A) on October 11th, 2022 and that Maricopa County conducted “unannounced, testing of all 446 vote Center, tabulators on October 14th. 17th and 18th.”

Olsen laid out in his case for urgency “That only 260 tabulators had rejected ballots” in the L and A testing, with suspicious revelations that ” the same tabulator error codes that recurred on Election Day.”

How is that possible?

Olsen slammed the election system, writing that what the Lake team has found “suggests Maricopa’s unannounced and unlawful testing may have been a dry run for the election day debacle.” 

Olsen, in the filing, added even more damaging problems with the current state of affairs for the tabulators, reminding the reader that “Maricopa admitted seven months after the fact that after testing, they swapped out the memory cards, and the election software on Maricopa’s, 446, vote Center, tabulators. And instead, installed reformatted cards purposefully containing the previously certified election program.”

Olson wrote in the court document that “the transfer is appropriate because of extraordinary circumstances that justify the transfer,” adding: “The trial Court’s facially, incorrect rulings warrant immediate transfer.” 

Olsen highlighted the importance of getting the election system right for the 2024 election. 

Lake spoke with the media on Saturday from the Turning USA event in Florida about what she knows, and address the fact that the media refuses to cover the details of her highly important case:

Kari Lake’s teams filed a new motion. , a petition to transfer, in Arizona Supreme Court: