Patriots, Including Ethnic Minorities, Want Trump’s America First Agenda Amid Street Clashes and Political Unrest at DNC

In a recent video captured at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) in Chicago, Ben Bergquam host of Law and Border, and a correspondent for Real America’s Voice, captured the personal stories of Americans who talked about their support of President Donald Trump and his America First policies after facing their own dire experiences with the most radical left element in American politics today.

What is discovered is that it is the Democrat Party, protecting their interests, who are endangering minority communities and ethnic minority Americans who long for a better America- and are not getting anything from Democrats.

Bergquam’s video illustrates a growing frustration among many Americans, including ethnic minorities, who feel marginalized and overlooked in a nation they all say has strayed from its core values.

One notable encounter in the video features Peter, an Irish American from the South Side of Chicago, who shares his personal transformation from a Democrat to a staunch supporter of Trump’s policies.

Meeting Bergquam for the first time, Peter expressed gratitude for Bergquam’s work in bringing the “real story” to light by engaging directly with people on the ground.

“You want to help all these people,” Peter, a US Military veteran, said, referring to his former Democratic beliefs. “But then you realize that you’re not the party of the tough people. You’re the party that’s keeping people down.” This shift in perspective resonates with many who feel that mainstream narratives often overlook their experiences and struggles.

And that is precisely what Bergquam captures in his video.

The video shifts scenes, showing a tense moment during a street protest, where Bergquam intervenes to protect a man carrying an American flag. As the man walked through a crowd, he was harassed by another individual wearing a Black Lives Matter (BLM) shirt. Bergquam is heard offering support, saying, “I got you, don’t push him,” as he shields the man from further harassment. This scene exposed the current climate of political unrest and the conflicts between different groups protesting in the streets.

Amidst the chaos, the man carrying the flag explained his motivations for joining the protest, emphasizing his commitment to free speech. “I had a doctor’s appointment,” he says, “but I had to make my way here with my American flag to show the power of free speech.” His actions and words reflect a broader sentiment among many who feel that their right to express patriotism is being challenged by opposing groups.

Bergquam’s video also features conversations with other ethnic minorities who express strong support for Trump’s America First agenda. Two Hispanic men standing in front of the DNC security fencing recount the dangers their communities faced during the BLM riots in the summer of 2020. “Three people died in our neighborhood, Cicero, Illinois,” one of the men recalls. “They lost their lives protecting their neighborhoods.” These testimonies reveal the deep frustrations and fears that many feel about the current political and social landscape in America, particularly around issues of law and order.

Another individual interviewed in the video, a proud Trump supporter whose parents immigrated to the U.S. from Puerto Rico and Greece, criticized the Democrats’ handling of Chicago. “Democrats have run Chicago for 50-60 years. It needs to be red for a change,” he declared, highlighting the desire for political change and accountability.

Throughout the video, Bergquam captures a narrative of resilience and determination among Americans who believe in the principles of the America First agenda. These individuals, many from minority backgrounds, articulate a desire for a return to what they see as foundational American values: law and order, free speech, and national pride. Their stories offer a glimpse into the humanity crisis faced by those who feel caught in the crossfire of political unrest and social upheaval, striving to be heard and respected in a polarized nation.

For more context, watch this video:

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