Russian Sanctions is The Deep State’s Dance with Desperation, They Lost the Information War to a Bunch of Rebels

A Wednesday afternoon headline at NBC reads: “Biden administration hits Russia with sanctions over efforts to manipulate U.S. opinion ahead of the election”

“The administration announced a series of actions Wednesday in response to alleged efforts by Russian actors to influence U.S. public opinion,” the outlet reported.

Corporate media was breathless to repeat the story, as if it is a smackdown of Trump:

And this means that a bunch of ragtag rebels in independent media has won. Think about it:

Oh, what a tangled web we weave when we practice to deceive, or in this case, when we’ve been caught red-handed trying to steer the narrative. The Deep State, those puppeteers of public perception, have finally admitted what many of us have been whispering in the corners of the internet: they’re losing their grip on the American mind.

And it is about time, too. Independent Media has been hammering them with the truth.

Imagine the Deep State and its expensive corporate media as a once-mighty orchestra conductor, now fumbling with the baton as the orchestra plays a tune of its own. They’ve thrown every note in the book at us—from the classic Russian Interference symphony to the Corporate DEI overture—but the audience isn’t clapping anymore. They’re booing, or worse, they’re not even showing up.

As we approach the 2024 elections, what is happening today in Washington DC today, should encourage everyone to tell their friends the left has lost- and remind them to go and vote for President Trump.


We have nothing to be embarrassed about; they have everything to be embarrassed about.

Why the sudden loss of control for the Democrats? Well, it seems the public has upgraded from mere spectators to active participants and critics, thanks to the cyber public sq. of social media. Here, every narrative gets dissected, every lie gets fact-checked, and every puppet master’s string gets cut.

Take Kamala Harris, for instance. Once thought to be the next big act, she’s now struggling to fill the seats. The polls, those unforgiving critics, are giving her a big hint – to leave the stage. The Deep State’s playbook, once a bestseller, is now gathering dust on the shelf labeled ‘Overplayed Hits’.

This isn’t just a blip on the radar; it’s a seismic shift. The Information War, fought daily by the likes of you and me, has turned the tide.

We’ve been the relentless tide against their mountains of deceit. And now, they’re not just feeling the heat; they’re getting third-degree burns from the public’s newfound skepticism.

So, what’s next in this political soap opera? Are we moving towards a truth-telling renaissance, or will the Deep State pull out a new trick from their bag? It’s not just about who controls the narrative anymore; it’s about who controls the future of America’s soul. And right now, it seems, the script is being rewritten by the people, for the people.

In the grand theater of politics, where once the Deep State held the monopoly on the script, the audience has now grabbed the pen. And trust me, the plot twists are getting more entertaining by the day.

Enter stage left, the Biden administration, in a move straight out of the “Galactic Guide to Political Misdirection,” has once again pointed the finger at Russia for meddling in U.S. elections. It’s like watching a space opera where the hero, instead of fixing the spaceship’s core reactor, decides to blame the nearby asteroid for the ship’s wobble.

Reemergence of the “Russian Interference” Narrative? More like the “Look Over There” strategy. It’s as if Biden and Harris have said, “Oh, you think we’re struggling with domestic issues? Here, let’s talk about Russia. That’s always a crowd-pleaser!” It’s the political equivalent of shouting “Squirrel!” to a room full of dogs.

Targeting Russian Propaganda? Bravo! Because nothing says “We’re in control” like sanctioning a media outlet. It’s like trying to stop a flood with a teacup. “Ah, yes, let’s tackle the mighty bear of Russian disinformation with the might of… legal charges. That’ll show ’em!” Meanwhile, the American public, much like confused space travelers, wonders if their leaders are more focused on the stars than the ship’s hull integrity.

Admission of Influence Weakness? Oh, absolutely. It’s like admitting, “Our narrative is so weak, even aliens could sway our voters with a few well-placed memes.” The administration’s actions scream, “We’re not just losing the plot; we’re handing out copies of the script to anyone who’ll take it!”

Public Perception of Domestic Issues? Here’s where it gets hilarious. By focusing on how Russia might amplify domestic woes, Biden and Harris inadvertently highlight their own failures. “Yes, we’re struggling with immigration and inflation, but have you considered… Russia?” It’s like a chef burning dinner and then blaming the smoke alarm for the bad reviews.

And there is one question I have for you- as a Rebel Legend of Independent Media- who are you going to motivate to go and vote today?

We are winning. Keep going MAGA.

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