Trump Came, He Saw, He Won Iowa in 30 Mins

Dear Hillary Clinton.. Trump can’t stop winning.

The Associated Press called the race for Trump at 8:31 p.m. ET, or Iowa’s time of 7:31 p.m. CT. Fox News reported Trump had 70.2% of the vote with 1% of precincts reporting. 

The left was not pleased:

And it gets worse:

The media was surprised by the response from voters, including how they really felt about the 2020 Presidential election, with 68% of respondents to a CNN poll saying they did not believe Joe Biden actually won the election that year:

Trump or some of his team have been in and out of the state of Iowa for almost a full year, and in the last moments before the vote, he humbly asked for their vote:

A Daily Signal article cited the concerns of Trump’s voters, before the final tally on Monday:

In Grinnell, Iowa, 68-year-old Jay Hayward expressed grave concerns over the state of the United States, suggesting that if the country fails to control its borders, it could face a collapse reminiscent of historical events. Speaking while waiting to attend a Donald Trump rally in Fort Dodge, Hayward emphasized the seriousness of illegal immigration, fearing potential consequences if the situation doesn’t improve.

However, immigration isn’t Hayward’s sole worry; being a Chicago native, he also voiced apprehensions about election security. Reflecting on his experiences in Chicago, he claimed to have witnessed election fraud throughout most of his life.

The Daily Signal interviewed Iowa voters, discovering a range of concerns just under two months before the Jan. 15 Iowa caucuses. Border security and election integrity were among the prominent issues, with some attendees at the Trump rally expressing worries about censorship and the need for oversight on Big Tech.

Michael Ames from Winterset highlighted the decline of constitutional government as the most significant problem facing the United States. He expressed concerns about moving away from the country’s constitutional and Judeo-Christian roots.

Other attendees at the Thanksgiving Family Forum in Des Moines echoed diverse concerns. Some, like Jay Fox of Urbandale, emphasized the importance of holding Big Tech accountable for election interference and censorship. Fox also lamented the outcome of an Ohio referendum on abortion but remained optimistic about pro-life stances.

Participants had varying opinions on when the U.S. was last on the right track. While some pointed to the period just before the COVID-19 pandemic or during the Trump administration, others, like Joel Duvall, harked back to the Reagan era in the 1980s.

Elderly voter Charles Daugherty of Cedar Rapids emphasized the need for civility in political discourse, citing concerns that disrespectful behavior could deter young people from participating in elections.

Issues such as border security, clean elections, and the economy were top priorities for many Iowa residents attending the Trump rally. Concerns over election fraud prompted suggestions like eliminating mail-in ballots and ensuring that only legal citizens can vote, as expressed by 72-year-old Dennis Longhenry of Webster City.

The diversity of concerns expressed by Iowa voters underscores the complex challenges perceived by citizens, reflecting the multifaceted nature of issues shaping political discourse in the lead-up to the 2024 elections.

So Trump won Bigly!

Here is how NBC reported Monday night:

DES MOINES, Iowa — Donald Trump has won the Iowa caucuses, NBC News projects, cementing his firm status as the front-runner for the Republican presidential nomination.

Trump, who is aiming to be the first former president since Grover Cleveland in the 1890s to return to office after losing re-election to a second consecutive term, appeared Monday night to be headed for a record-breaking showing in the first nominating contest of 2024.

Trump’s final margin of victory could eclipse the 13 points that Sen. Bob Dole of Kansas won by in the 1996 Republican caucuses. And a commanding performance, especially if he wins a majority of the vote, would be the strongest sign yet that there is no decisive demand for an alternative as the race shifts to next week’s New Hampshire primary. 

More suspenseful is what’s become a closely watched battle for second place between former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley and Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — and if they are able to keep Trump from winning a majority.

Trump, said a source familiar with his travel plans, will follow up his Iowa victory with a trip Tuesday to New York to attend his civil trial in a defamation case brought by E. Jean Carroll, a writer. Afterward Trump will head to New Hampshire for a rally.

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