Trump was Right: We are a ‘Third World Nation Under Democrats’- Here is Proof

As Title 42 is easing restrictions on immigration- in a completely demolished lawful and orderly immigration system- there is evidence everywhere along the border where massive large groups of illegal aliens are preparing to push through our borders and move into our country.

“Before the whole pandemic, President Trump had the border secure. Remember that. We have people who believe that the Chinese Communist Party is involved in this invasion too, so there is a lot going on,” Ben Bergquam told Steve Bannon, ahead of the Real America’s Voice latest border miniseries, which is a 5 part series on the roots of this invasion to be aired on Saturday.

Bergquam and Bannon and Real America’s Voice have been covering all of the details of the building invasion of our nation for years. And they were all right.

The United States of America looks no different than a third-world nation with massive groups of illegals laying wait at our borders, just as described by President Donald J. Trump.

Trump recently, in an address to the nation about the ongoing horrors forced on the American people by the Democrats, talked about the Democrats who are transforming our nation as promised in all of their elections.

This horrifying invasion is just exactly as Democrats vote for, to bring to fruition.

Bergquam, a correspondent for Real America’s Voice, posted live coverage of migrants camps for the invaders at the border, who- as he has reported on for two years, have been ushered to the crossing points on the border, where the Democrat administration of Joe Biden has weakened law enforcement and assisted invaders to be comfortably taken deep into the country.

As Bergquam reported to Seb Gorka this week, the movement of so many people is being funded by Non-Government Organizations and nonprofits where ‘Sanctuary cities’ have been preparing to welcome in the illegal aliens to make their new homes, bypassing all legal immigration:

US Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) slammed the Democrats for their insane policies of allowing this invasion to happen, in a tense exchange on Thursday:

We covered a story earlier in the week with live footage of a surge at the border and a massive hostile push of invaders overcame law enforcement:

Here is a flashback to our earlier reporting about the concerning make up of the invaders:

Make sure to tune in on Saturday for Real America’s Voice’s latest episode of Law and Border this Saturday for the first ina five-part series for the network: