[FULL SPEECH] “We Will Soon Be a Great Nation Again,” Trump Told Pray Vote Stand

President Donald J. Trump delivered a speech to the audience at the Pray Vote Stand event in Washington DC, and the people were more enthusiastic for him than for all of the other candidates who spoke on Friday.

The people stood and cheered, clapped, chanted, danced, and showed an overwhelming enthusiasm for the 45th president.

Trump entered the stage to his iconic “Proud to Be An American,” the crowd yelled loudly that they would stand with Trump no matter what.

Trump stood with founder Tony Perkins and appreciated the rousing welcome for the last Presidential speaker for the night.

After the massive attacks Trump has taken, he reminded his supporters that he was proud to fight for them. He told them numerous times that he was honored to be the one to fight this fight, saying it has been challenging.

But Trump, ever the showman, filled the time with his brand of fun and heart-thumping inspiration- talking to people individually as if he was speaking to each person crowded into the room.

Trump’s speech had an urgent tone, reminding people of the dire situation the Democrats have put us all in.

The evangelical audience was thrilled to hear him talk about his record from 2016 and 2020 as he reminded them of all the promises he had made and kept.

The campaign trail battles have been heating up, with Ron DeSantis crowds creating a sort of artificial enthusiasm to persuade audiences that he is pulling ahead.

There is no way that DeSantis is anywhere near as popular as Trump is if this audience is any indication.



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