A Scary Tease Of Ben Bergquam’s New Show, Oscar Blue Attacked Covering The Border [VIDEO]

Men like Ben Bergquam from Real Americas Voice and Frontline America, Anthony Aguero and Oscar ElBlue of Real Americas Voice and Border Network News- put their lives on the line to bring informative live footage- to both Americans and Mexicans who are facing a media blackout about the dangerous criminal invasion into law abiding communities on both sided of the border.

The following footage shows how serious the violence is against reporters. In the video El Blue is heard talking to War Room Pandemic show host Steve Bannon, about an attack on him, on Wednesday, while El Blue was reporting live.

The attack was captured on film!


And that footage shows exactly what Bergquam will talking about in detail, as a host a show call Law and Border, on Real Americas Voice starting Saturday at 7PM Eastern.

Bergquam and his network of independent journalists and reporters have uncovered what is an intentional crisis at the US-Mexico border that impacts law abiding- and good people in both countries.

Watch as Ben highlights the crimes, the criminals and the decent people who are being harassed- and robbed a safe quality of life.

Starting Saturday Feb 19, at 7PM: