Abusive Daddy Biden, Mr. ‘Showers with Daughter’ Says He ‘Understands Power’ in Footsteps of Founding Father

Childhood sexual abuse is no laughing matter, not even funny at all. The way that the Democrats, who have been virtue signaling their superior humanitarianism for decades, have overlooked their cringe President, who has fondled children in public and has showered with his own daughter, shouldn’t be shocking.

The ongoing betrayal of our Republic’s morals and ethics to protect childhood is sickening and what happened on Friday at Valley Forge is repulsive.

After giving a speech where he was rambling and slurring his speech, corrupt Joe Biden made the stomach-churning declaration that he understands power- while being near the iconic site of Valley Forge.

President Ronald Regan said of Valley Forge and of General George Washington, who served at the site, “I’ve said before that the most sublime picture in American history is of George Washington on his knees in the snow at Valley Forge. That image personifies a people who know that it’s not enough to depend on our own courage and goodness; we must also seek help from God, our Father and Preserver.”

That is so far away from the motivations of the power-grabbing Biden.

On Friday, Joe Biden made a super creepy speech. During the American Revolutionary War, Valley Forge functioned as the third of eight winter encampments for the Continental Army’s main body, commanded by General Washington.

Biden is no founding father. He is an abusive father.

We are accustomed to their debased approval of power-seeking maniacs, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t trigger sane people when we see Democrats enable this disgusting behavior.

Think of how creepy and corrupt this guy is, and he has the bizarre self-confidence to yell out to a crowd of people that he “knows what power is”!

Consider what the children Biden has drooled on and felt up and sniffed could tell us all about Biden’s power.

Check it out:

NPR, forgetting that we are, in fact a Republic- reported on the speech:

Biden gives a campaign speech near Valley Forge, Penn. — a place that looms large in the history of American democracy — as he marks the anniversary of Jan. 6.

Here is how the Philadelphia Inquirer reported on the details of the speech:

Biden framed his reelection bid as a “sacred cause,” to save democracy, striking one of the most urgent notes of his 2024 campaign as he compared his position to General George Washington ushering troops through the winter at Valley Forge in their battle for freedom nearly 250 years ago.

Biden used the timing of the address — a day before the third anniversary of the Jan. 6 Capitol attack — to call out extremism and frame the race as a battle for basic freedoms and one to protect democracy.

He called Jan. 6 “a day forever seared in our memory because it was on that day that we nearly lost America, lost it at all.” He drew a contrast between Washington’s decision to leave office “at the height of his power” with Trump’s failed attempt to remain in office after his electoral defeat.

The speech at Montgomery County Community College in Blue Bell was heavy-on-history and often foreboding in its retelling of the Capitol attack and Trump’s alleged role in inciting it. The president sought to raise the stakes for democracy on the ballot this year.

And it was a more forceful denunciation of Trump than Biden has delivered so far this election. While he’s criticized Trump at fundraisers and in campaign events before, his tone was notably sharper, more offended.

”What a sick –—,” Biden said, catching himself before cursing, as he recounted a speech in which Trump mocked a violent attack on U.S. Rep. Nancy Pelosi’s husband. “I think he’s despicable, seriously.”

Biden made no mention of the possibility of another opponent though the November election is more than 300 days away and Republican voters begin the process of picking their candidate in Iowa Jan. 15. The caucus will be an early test of Trump’s hold on the GOP base.

And while the speech was heavily focused on Trump, he avoided any mention of the 91 felony counts the former president is facing or the challenges to his ability to appear on state primary ballots.

Before the speech, the president and first lady visited the site of Washington’s encampment at Valley Forge, where they toured the founding father’s small stone headquarters and participated in a wreath-laying ceremony at the National Memorial Arch.

A park ranger showed the couple the inscription on the arch, a quote from a letter by Washington that reads “naked and starving as they are we cannot enough admire the incomparable patience and fidelity of the soldiery.”

Biden has repeatedly chosen the Philadelphia region as the backdrop for big speeches related to threats to democracy as he seeks to win the critical battleground again this year. Montgomery County, where first lady Jill Biden grew up, is part of a swath of blue suburbs that Democrats hope will help propel them to victory again in 2024.

The speech in the key county kicked off what the campaign has touted as an aggressive January and February schedule for the 81-year-old president who will give a second speech Monday in Charleston, S.C., at a historic church which was the site of a mass shooting in 2015.

Trump is spending the anniversary of Jan. 6 in Iowa where he has a string of events planned.

“Our country’s going to hell. You don’t mind me using that horrible word, don’t you?” he said from Iowa Friday, just hours after Biden’s speech. “We have a man who’s grossly incompetent dealing with nuclear war.”

His campaign released a new TV ad on the day of Biden’s speech slamming the president on the economy, a polling weakness for Biden, who made no mention of his legislative record on stage Friday.

“The soul of America has been crushed under the weight of Joe Biden’s failures,” Republican National Committee spokesperson Rachel Lee said. “While families can’t pay their bills, children are dying from fentanyl overdosesterror suspects are crossing the open southern border, and Americans are still being held hostage by Hamas, Biden wants to further divide Americans with polarizing rhetoric to distract from his catastrophic policies.”

Memory of Jan. 6 hangs over campaign

Both men have continued to talk about Jan. 6 but in very different ways.

Trump has praised people convicted of attacking the Capitol, describing them as victims of political persecution. An early rally featured footage from the day and a Jan. 6 prison choir. He’s compared their situation to the the legal cases against him which he argues are the result of anti-democratic attacks from political opponents.

Biden is conversely pinning his hopes of uniting his party in large part around anger over Jan. 6 and what the day has come to symbolize. He made it the subject of a 60-second TV spot out this week in Pennsylvania and other battleground states. And in his speech on Friday, he noted that more than 140 police officers were injured that day and that the Justice Department has secured hundreds of convictions against rioters.

“You can’t be pro insurrectionist and pro American,” Biden said of Trump.

He blasted Republican officials for changing their tone about Jan. 6, saying they had “made their choice.” And he added, “Now the rest of us, Democrats, independents and mainstream Republicans, we have to make ours.”

Some recent polling suggests a growing number of Republican voters are less inclined to blame Trump for the attack on the Capitol. Trump’s GOP primary opponents have said they’d pardon people convicted of crimes related to the attack, if elected and that they’d pardon Trump if he’s convicted in any of the cases he’s facing.

Biden’s fragile coalition

Biden had already won over the crowd of invited guests in heavily democratic Montgomery County. The Philadelphia suburbs delivered big numbers for him in 2020, which he’ll need again — along with gains in other parts of the state and among demographics where polls show he’s losing support.

His popularity among Black, Hispanic and younger voters has declined compared to 2020 and he’s facing a rift within his own party on the war between Israel and Hamas.

A group of about 35 pro-Palestinian protesters gathered outside of Biden’s speech Friday, calling on the president to support a ceasefire in Gaza.

His campaign said this week the amped up language is partly an attempt to unify the party against the threat Trump poses to democracy.

Part of the strategy is to highlight remarks Trump makes that might otherwise fly under the radar – particularly anti-immigrant tirades or when he has compared himself to dictators. And Biden’s speech included frequent quotes and mentions of some of Trump’s most controversial comments.

“Look at the authoritarian leaders and dictators he says he admires,” Biden said. “I won’t walk through them all it would take too long.”

Attendees said the stake Biden laid out resonated.

“Donald Trump has a very real chance of winning, and it’s going to take every single person coming out and voting, whether we are in love with Joe Biden, or we’re settling,” said Hans van Mol, president of the Pennsylvania Young Democrats.

State Sen. Maria Collett, who represents the 12th district, which includes the community college venue, said her biggest fear surrounding another Trump win would be that he would put people who don’t agree with him in peril.

”We have heard Donald Trump threaten violence against people that are not supporters of his. I believe it to be true,” she said. “And I think that we are not just in the fight for democracy, we are in the fight for the goodness and the soul of our country.”

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