Angel Family Compares and Contrasts President’s Agenda: Trump Helps Angel Families, Biden Helps Illegals

In the following interview Ben Bergquam, the host of Real America’s Voice program Law and Border, spoke with a woman who is a member of what has tragically been dubbed an “Angel Family”.

The title comes from having been permanently separated from a loved one because of the actions of lawless illegal aliens who have invaded the United States because of the policies of the Democrats.

Trump described the families in 2018, saying:

“You never hear this side,” Mr. Trump said. “These are the American citizens permanently separated from their loved ones — the word ‘permanently’ being the word that you have to think about — ‘permanently.’ They’re not separated for a day or two days. These are permanently separated because they were killed by criminal illegal aliens.”

In the interview, one American woman talks about her experience of working with President Donald J. Trump and working with Democrat Joe Biden. She described how each President worked to secure justice for her family and other Americans, with Trump prioritizing Americans and Biden prioritizing illegals.

What she said about the differences between the two administrations should send the American people running to vote for Trump to lead us out of this invasion mess.

“Trump had an office to help us get justice, and Biden helps the illegal alien.” the Angel family member told Bergquam after explaining the tragic death of her brother:

President Trump had indeed prioritized getting justice for the Angel families by signing an executive order five days into his presidency — announcing the move with some family members by his side — that led to the creation of a new office within the federal Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency called the Victims of Immigration Crime Engagement, or Voice, for which the families had advocated.

The Voice office, which has an annual budget of nearly $4 million and employs 24 community relations officers to assist victims of immigration-related crimes, arranged and paid for the families’ travel last month to Washington. The families met with Voice personnel and had a private audience with Trump in the Oval Office.

Revoking the order that created VOICE was also one of Joe Biden’s first decisions as President, made just hours after his inauguration. 

However, the office was not closed just, just inactive to real victims. The administration kept it open and non-functioning to Angel families.

“The office name was a terrible misnomer,” Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas told TIME in an interview on May 10. “The fact that it was shaped as it was in the prior Administration is something that we will not continue to have.” Mayorkas says VOICE will serve the functions of similar offices at other law-enforcement agencies, like the Justice Department’s Office of Victim Services and victim assistance units in U.S. Attorneys’ offices across the country.

And there it is, in a nutshell – the meaning of the America First agenda.