Bergquam Shifts to Poland to Investigate Immigration Woes of Europe, Heading to Ukraine

Ben Bergquam, a correspondent for Real America’s Voice, is reporting live from Europe and making media rounds, informing American audiences of the escalation of crimes and misery in European countries after prolonged immigration has allowed usurpations of their government and cultures.

Bergquam is telling the stories of what has happened and what is happening now in European cultures where immigration has been allowed to be out of control, and those take come with warnings of what to expect here in the United States of America if something is not done to de-escalate the insane open-border policies of Democrat Joe Biden- very quickly.

Likely his trip to Poland will show something different than what he has experienced the last week in Europe.

Bergquam is on a tour of Europe thanks to Real America’s Voice and Patriot Mobile, who want him to give a bird’s eye view of what is really happening around the world:

WARNING: This article contains some brazen opinions of the author.

In an update to his travel log, Bergquam posted that he was in Poland with his travel partner and fellow RAV correspondent, Oscar El Blue.

Bergquam had appeared with the RAV team to give the details of what he saw in Normandy, France at the burial site for the men and women who were killed there, in action in WW2 when the country was liberated from the NAZI’s so many years ago, leading to a very powerful backdrop for his stories about the destruction of the country now- due to foreign invasion:

Both El Blue and Bergquam spoke with Human Events editor Jack Posobiec about the violence they had encouraged in the beautiful suburbs of Paris:

And the two appeared together with War Room host Steve Bannon to talk about how the massive immigration, encouraged by the United Nations, was destroying so much of the social fabric in all of Europe.