Bergquam Updates Rep. Biggs about Cartel Bridge, NGOs, and Border Mini-Series

In mid-May, Ben Bergquam spoke with Congressman US Rep. Andy Biggs (R-AZ) to update him on the condition of the border, including an illegal bridge into the nation from Mexico that drug cartels made. Bergquam highlighted areas of the migration path that were getting worse, from crimes and human traffic, and places where are were getting better because of increased law enforcement to keep migrants and crimes out, comparing different approaches to the lawlessness created by drug cartels and evaluating the numbers of migrants in each area.

The two talked about the disastrous Biden administration and why they were increasing migration, ignoring crimes and drug cartels, and ‘erasing our borders’, as Biggs described Biden’s actions.

Here is the AZ cartel bridge Bergquam talked to Biggs about:

Bergquam briefed the congressman about how the newest immigration policies within Title 8 were working on the ground and how Non-Government Organizations were working to partner with foreign nations to bring them into the country. Here is more on the group he spoke to Biggs about:

Biggs focused in the Title 8 parole policies and what is happening in Yuma, his district, and why there were so many people coming from Africa, playing video footage that Bergquam took of finding IDs and also footage of the bridge that Bergquam found that went over the Colorado River.


Real America’s Voice released the next part in their miniseries for Bergquam’s show, Law and Border, and showed the massive wave of migration and how it is impacting the US: