The news went viral this week about a Pediatric Department in an Oregon federally funded research hospital, about the process of teaching young males how to hide their male parts, even at the risk of injuring themselves and getting infections- and possibly life-altering disease.
But not to worry, the medical institution has documentation on a vaccine, under the prevention of AIDS research, should the young tuckers get an open infection and exchange blood during sexual intercourse.
Esp. for male to male intercourse:
I digress.
Libs of Tik Tok posted about Doernbecher Children’s hospital in Portland, which I discovered does not appear to be a serious institution of real medical science on the prevention and cure of life-altering diseases, like AIDS.
“Oregon Health & Science University is Oregon’s only academic health center and distinguished nationally as a research university dedicated solely to advancing health sciences. OHSU focuses on discoveries to prevent and cure diseases, on education that prepares the health care and health science professionals of the future, and on patient care that incorporates the latest advances,” according to their website.
They have federal funding according to a recent press release:
“A federal spending bill, signed into law last week by President Joe Biden, includes funding for an innovative partnership among Columbia Memorial Hospital in Astoria, Bay Area Hospital in Coos Bay, and Oregon Health & Science University.”
And they have a specialty in Pediatric Transgender advice and they promote Planned Parenthood:
“Origami Customs is an online company that sells gaffs and underwear designed for tucking. They have been featured in Planned Parenthood guides for people seeking gender-affirming treatment,” a document about “safe tucking” reads.
You may be interested in what “tucking” for their pediatric unit is all about.
What is tucking?
Tucking is moving the penis, testicles, or both out of the way. This makes the genital area look smoother and flatter.Tucking can reduce any concerns you have about your body, how your clothes fit and how safe you feel in public. People of all genders can tuck.
There are several different methods of tucking. The information below helps you tuck in ways that are safe for your body.
A note on the words we use
This information uses the words “penis,” “scrotum,” and “testicles.” We know you may not use those terms or identify with them. We use them here to refer to body parts that people with tucking needs have, while understanding those words are not for everyone.Safe tucking
Taping the penis and scrotum
First, be sure to use medical tape. You can buy this at the pharmacy, or in the first aid section of most department or grocery stores. Never use duct tape or any other type of tape. These can irritate or even tear your skin.You can test the medical tape on a less sensitive part of your body like your outer leg or inner arm to see how difficult it is to remove. Then follow the steps below.
1. Carefully remove any hair from the scrotum or surrounding area. This makes pulling the tape off much more comfortable. Also, the tape does not pull hairs as you move around.
2. Tuck the testicles out of the way, using the method above.
3. Wrap toilet paper around the penis and scrotum, if you would like. This helps keep the tape from touching your skin.
4. Gently wrap the penis and scrotum in tape. Pull the penis back, using a piece of tape down the middle or two pieces of tape on either side. The tape holds the penis in the center of your body and pulled back.
5. Finish by putting on a pair of tight-fitting underwear.
Untucking requires the same patience and gentleness as tucking. If you used tape, carefully peel it away from the scrotum. Move the penis back into its resting position. If the tape will not come off easily, you can use a wet washcloth or soak the area in warm water. You can also use medical adhesive remover, if needed.If you tucked the testicles into the inguinal canals, you may need to gently guide them out with your fingers.
Risks of tucking
Tucking does have some risks. These include urinary tract infections, problems with urine flow and twisting or inflammation in the testicles. If you have any of these problems, stop tucking until you can talk with your doctor. You can lower your chances of these things happening by not tucking for very long at a time and
untucking as often as you can.Be careful not to wrap the tape around the penis and scrotum too tightly. It can cut off blood circulation. If you feel any numbness in the penis or scrotum area, untuck for a while!
If you tuck regularly, watch out for skin irritation. Always check for broken or irritated skin before and after tucking. This helps you avoid infection.
Using clothing to tuck
The cheapest solution for tucking is a pair of tight underwear. You can find these at any clothing store. You may also want to try a specialized piece of clothing called a gaff. You can find these in specialty stores and online.Or you can make one out of the top part of a pair of control top pantyhose or tights.
Where to buy tucking clothing Origami Customs is an online company that sells gaffs and underwear designed for tucking.They have been featured in Planned Parenthood guides for people seeking gender-affirming treatment.
LeoLines is an Etsy shop that offers affordable gaffs and underwear for tucking. They have positive reviews from trans feminine folks.
They also make products that are designed specifically for children with tucking needs.
Because they are dedicated to the prevention of disease, I am certain they won’t mind the question, I posed to their media services:
The document also warns about broken skin on the scrotum, Penis and testicle area- the genital area, raising the question that if the pediatrics unit is instructing Transgender males, are they inquiring about exchanging body fluids and broken skin during intercourse, esp. homosexual intercourse- and are they concerned about increasing the risk of transmitting or contracting AIDS?
More information on the transmission of AIDS, a potentially deadly and life-altering disease.
As a Mom, that is my question about the advice given here. But the top award-winning Gender Department has yet to respond to my request. I did some research on the website on my own.
At the end of 2019, an estimated 1,189,700 people aged 13 and older had HIV in the United States,a including an estimated 158,500 (13%) people whose infections had not been diagnosed, according to the CDC, who makes stats about AIDS as confusing as they can.
But that should be enough for medical institutions, who push alternative sexual intercourse and interactions, to worry about.
On the OHSU website, there was hardly any information about AIDS or Human immunodeficiency virus infection and acquired immune deficiency syndrome.
There was a large amount of information on “hearing aids” when I entered AIDS and hardly any information on how to prevent AIDS, other than get a vaccine.
So the federal government is funded to teach children how to intentionally injure their genitalia, even at the risk of contracting and spreading the deadly disease.
That is where we are in 2022.
Link to the Gender Department at OHSU, it is real.