‘Biden is Spitting In Your Face’ and Funding an Illegal Invasion

Republicans didn’t have 5 Billion dollars for our own border- but our government uni party found a lot more than that to pay for Ukraine and also- as Ben Bergquam reminds us- to pay to assist illegal invaders to have a more comfortable and easy entry into our country- and today it is time for a seething rant by both Ben Bergquam and Steve Bannon while talking about it.

“Steve, they are not only not paying to help close the border, they are paying to help the invasion. And they are spitting in the face of every single American citizen. They’re spitting in the face of our founders and spitting in the face of everyone who sacrificed for this country,” Bergquam told Bannon.

Bergquam promised more footage, like what is below, for his border program on Real America’s Voice called Law and Border.

Check out this footage of over 80 illegals, whom Bergquam had been told earlier were being detained and held so he would go away. Then, moments later, after he left, the group was being processed into the country:

Bergquam appeared on the War Room with Steve Bannon on Monday to talk about his investigations and deconstruct the attitude of the Biden administration toward the massive movement of illegal invaders into our nation when we are so weakened: