Border Invasion: ‘This Is All Because Of The Left’s NGOs And Their Policies’

Ben Bergquam, the host of Law and Border on Real Americas Voice, gave audiences a sneak peek at the next episode in his series investigating the border and uncovering the reasons why America is in such danger.

As Bergquam often discusses- the left has a complex system of well-funded Non-Government Organizations, who are greatly assisting in the invasion of the country by way of the Southern Border.

“New footage from one of our upcoming “Law & Border” episodes following the smuggling trails in Arizona between Nogales and Arivaca. Exposing the cartels, the traffickers and the leftists that are aiding and abetting Joe Biden‘s border invasion! With @realAnthony and @TaiDecker Additional footage and special thanks to Tim Foley of Arizona Border Recon” Bergquam posted with his most recent video update of the unfolding crisis.

The video opens with Ben Bergquam walking along a dirt road with empty water containers and other items like clothing and litter lying around. Some are black and some are white.

Bergquam said into the camera:

All along these dirt roads that we have been driving for about 20 miles, so far, there is one thing we have not seen and that is a single border patrol agent. What we have seen all over here are signs of illegal aliens.

This is Joe Biden’s Invasion, and it is marked by the story of empty water bottles.


So these are left by the NGOs (Not Government Organizations). People who were crossing got picked up here, so they were given water.

Explaining the differences between the empty water containers, Bergquam explained, “the cars come up and stop and then they dump these black water jugs, and those are from the illegal aliens. The ones they bring in from Mexico. “

“When you see these white water jugs, these are leftist. The leftist groups put these jugs out all over here. Where the border ends,” he said pointing to an empty white container.

“Keep in mind, this is one of the highest traffic drug corridors in America and these guys are out, putting water out for the drug cartel, to make it easier for them to cross. That’s where your water is going to all of the open borders leftists out there,” he said.

“This is what you look for right here. A little path. This is a human path up here. We’ll go check it out and find more evidence of these leftists doing their water drops.

This is aiding and abetting the invasion of our country. By all of the people that don’t want to get caught,” Bergquam said about the cartel and smugglers- who are different from the people who cross and search out border patrol on purpose.

“They used to carry the big 50-pound packs of marijuana. Now it’s all fentanyl meth and cocaine and they can fit those in those smaller backpacks. That’s the craziest part about this is they actually get maps from the cartel, from the Scout. The coyote bringing them across that are created made by the leftist NGOs on the US side, and the maps will lead them to all of the water drops. 

On their Journey. A lot of times what we’ll find is where they have the water drops. It’s not just the illegals that are coming in. Carrying the drugs or that are just trying not to get caught. It’s actually the cartel coyotes. Look out upon the tops of these mountains that they’re supplying. So they’ll come down. So, stay out here for two weeks at a time camping up. On top of these high points.

And they know exactly where these leftist NGOs, put their water, put the drops, and they just simply go down and refuel the crazy part about this. As we continue to show long border is the magnet, 

Now, it’s all fentanyl that is created made by the leftist NGOs on the US side, and the maps will lead them to all the water drops. On their Journey. A lot of times what we’ll find is where they have the water drops. It’s not just the illegals that are coming in, carrying the drugs, or that are just trying not to get caught. It’s actually the cartel coyotes. Look out upon the tops of these mountains that they’re supplying. So they’ll come down. And stay out here for two weeks at a time camping on top of these high points.

And they know exactly where the leftist NGOs put their water, where they put the drops, and they just simply go down and refuel.

The crazy part about this is as we continue to show how long the border is the magnitude of the problem, the scale of the problem is there is a weird little location here.

You saw the debris in the garbage and everything else that was on the ground back there in the trailer. There are tens of thousands of these trails, every square mile. 

Stretching across our entire border. Millions of people invading our country because of the policies of the left.