Border Lies Busted Wide Open- From Panama Illegals Come

Ben Bergquam is in the jungles of Panama, and what he is exposing should make Americans fear for the safety of the United States because what he is showing proves the betrayal of the powers in DC against our nation’s security.

Over the last two years, we have covered Bergquam’s investigative reports on the immigration and border crisis, which show the Biden administration has purposefully re-entered a global agreement with the UN that President Trump got us out of successfully.

Biden’s re-entry into the agreement has tremendously increased illegal migration into the United States. The Democrats have also gone deep into the heart of Central and Southern America to help speed up migration by making it easier for people to get to the US through what Benrgaauan uncovered as the ‘controlled flow’ of migration.

Basically, that means- the Biden administration are helping illegals get over the humps that have historically stopped migration into the US from those areas.

Biden has also destroyed our immigration system with his horrible policies- setting up a multi-tiered attack on the sovereignty and peace of the US.


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