Border Mini-Series Shows Daring Trek Through Third World Origins of Illegal Migration

Real America’s Voice (RAV) is a leading news media platform in the information highway and the only network with dedicated correspondents exploring the origins of the mass human migration, the source of the funding of the organizations that push the illegal invasion into the United States, the politics behind the people who enable America’s national suicide, and the consequences of a massive push to replace American citizens with third world migrants, and the consequences to the communities and families on both sides of the border.

Saturday, May 13 at 3PM a brand new episode of Law and Border will air on the Real America’s Voice AP, and everywhere else RAV can be found.


RAV’s correspondents, Ben Bergquan, also of Frontline America, and Oscar El Blue, also of Border Network News, will team up to give more details of their daring treks over the last few months, that has taken them deep into the heart of Central and South American, into third-world nations where the migrants begin their rush to the American border- which appears to have been left open to them under the Biden administration.

Please follow @BenBergquam on all social media and here on Frontline America