BUSTED AGAIN! Laura Loomer Highlights VIP Quests to Ron DeSantis Dominion Fundraiser

Unfortunately, the Republican party is being divided by the campaign of Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. While he is signaling that he aligned with all of the opponents of President Donald J. Trump, DeSantis is also showing that he is ALSO indeed aligned with Dominion voting systems, which is a very uncomfortable topic for most Republicans.

DeSantis, who has appeared to be a pretty good leader for the state of Florida, is showing his true colors about election integrity now that he is running for POTUS.

We are now going to learn a lot more about him that we likely are not going to like about his true connections to the corporation that has controlled the electronic voting machines that have caused so much concern in the United States.

Dominion has shut Americans out of our voting process, and now DeSantis is going to them for funding. Who supports that from the GOP is going to be painful to see- and Laura Loomer was there and got the footage.

We know that DeSantis had a fundraiser at a Dominion-linked office:

And now, a lot is making sense. Loomer filmed a few guests entering the building at the time of the event:

What Loomer captured got worse, as Ben Bergquam pointed out:

We covered DeSantis’s strange and deceitful behavior when not prosecuting Democrat Brenda Snipes over her behavior in her position, who was a known election fraudster:

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