CAUGHT! Illegal Aliens on the FBI Terrorist List

Todd Bensman reported for his site that the worst nightmares of the American people are coming true under Democrat Joe Biden’s plan to change the demographics of the United States and help assist foreign criminals in committing more crimes in the ‘Land of the Free” by releasing them into the countryside.

Here is Bensman’s report:

Government Report Faults Border Crisis for Premature Release of Suspected Terrorist

‘Increased flow of migrants’ and ‘multiple mistakes’ due to Biden’s historic mass migration crisis have weakened national security

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By Todd Bensman on July 5, 2023

AUSTIN, Texas – In an unusual, scathing, and much-redacted public report, the Department of Homeland Security’s independent Office of Inspector General has released the results of an investigation into one of several U.S. releases of border-crossing immigrants who flagged positive on the FBI’s Terrorist Watchlist.OIG report

A heavily redacted page from the report.

The report – titled “CBP Released a Migrant on a Terrorist Watchlist, and ICE Faced Information Sharing Challenges Planning and Conducting the Arrest” –describes a cavalcade of multi-agency mistakes that led to the April 19, 2022, release of an unnamed migrant who, after crossing two days earlier among the 30,000 a month then pouring through an unfinished, cancelled section of Trump administration border wall near Yuma, Ariz., initially flagged – inconclusively – as a suspected terrorist.

But the report states that because border agents “were busy processing an increased flow of migrants” who were clogging the area’s central processing center at the time, agents released the suspect into the interior before the inconclusive alert could be resolved, which normally would happen quickly under established inter-agency routines.

Instead, under the pressure of processing historic numbers of illegal aliens pouring through the Yuma Sector all that spring (28,681 that April, compared to 298 the same month in 2020), Border Patrol released the suspect with most of the rest on personal recognizance, a GPS tracking device, and an honor-system promise that they voluntarily report in later to an ICE office in the cities they chose to settle in.

Mass releases of illegal border-crossers from central processing centers (CPCs), which as quickly as possible hand out “notice to report” or “notice to appear” authorization papers, sometimes with electronic monitoring devices, have been customary all along the southern border since President Biden took office in January 2021, without letup to the present day, and is commonly understood as the main cause of the border crisis.

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