Confrontation at Wall, ‘Every Town is a Border Town Now’ Illegal Invaders Give Destinations, Little Girl Looks Drugged

Ben Bergquam, a correspondent for Real America’s Voice, confronted a leftist “humanitarian” at the border wall during his investigation of a young abandoned girl who appeared to be sickly and possibly drugged.

The leftist showed up to tell the illegal invaders who were harbored at the wall not to talk to Bergquam, because he was a “Trump supporter” and to stand over them in an authoritarian way.

“We wanted to see if the Drug Cartels were telling these people not to talk about the young girl who appeared to be drugged at the wall,” Bergquam said while filing.

Here is his post:

“Breaking: new shocking video of massive invasion location in Arizona discovered today outside of Sasabe. This video truly is outrageous and worth watching from beginning to end! Let me know what you think of the guy in the black mask. And please share everywhere! Expose Biden and these leftist enemies within! #CloseTheBorder#TrumpWasRight

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