Dan Schultz Of Precinct Strategy Will Be At Rock The Red- Winning For MAGA

One of the significant differences between the elections before 2022 is that President Donald J. Trump had not yet endorsed the Precinct Project, which has been a long-time plan of Dan Schultz’s- on getting rid of the RINOS remake the Republican Party into something Conservatives can support.

The plan is scaring the left and the RINOS – and together, the ‘UNI Party” is trying to stop the America Firsts from participating in The Grand Old Party! People coming to hear Schultz this weekend in Greenville, South Carolina, at the Rock The Red event, will walk away with a plan on how to stop the Uni Party with the Precinct Strategy. 

Consider this recent news from the Teneseestar, who interviewed Schults- and then reported on Arizona trying to pass a law to get rid of the Precinct position elections:

After reading the bill, the attorney and graduate of the University of Wisconsin Law School said the bill does, in fact wipe out hundreds of precinct committeeman positions across the state and grant the county chairman authority to appoint the remaining positions.

“I am still flabbergasted,” he said. “I am crossing my fingers that I’m missing something.”

The Precinct Strategy takes advantage of the roughly 50 percent of 400,000 precinct committeemen slots now vacant, he said.

Of the 200,000 slots filled, they are split fairly evenly between conservatives and non-conservatives, Schultz said. When conservatives fill the empty slots, he said, they also take control of the local parties with a 75 percent majority.

The 1978 graduate of the United States Military Academy at West Point, N.Y., said he cannot say if the new law is a direct assault on the Precinct Strategy in Arizona. “I don’t know, because nobody has stated what the motivations are. Nobody has stated what they are, but, it appears to be.”

Schultz said the numbers in Maricopa County tell the story.

“We had 7,467 potential precinct committeeman slots that could have been elected in the August 2020 primary, and we ended up electing about 2,729,” he said.

“In Maricopa County, that was based on 743 precincts,” he said. “If this law continues, we’re going to only have 743 precinct committeemen.”

Schultz wrote a book titled- How to get into the real game of politics and has since appeared on the War Room podcast with Steve Bannon, regularly growing a large movement.

The movement is gathered on a site called Pilled.net where participants exchange important documents and share stories about how to combat the problems – which prevent America First proponents from being heard in the shame of local and national GOP party politics.

“We have the people in the movement if all of the Trump supporters would just get into the party and run for office, like they explained to us in CIVICS education,” Schultz is often heard saying.

And then, the project was endorsed by Trump, giving the project a real elevated status among the firebrand MAGA crowd- and the movement is growing and helping to win elections.

Schultz now has a nightly podcast on L. Todd Wood’s GETTR account, Creative Destruction Media:

And the strategy is working- check out what happened in Michigan recently with Matt Deperno.

“Lansing — Michigan attorney general hopeful Matt DePerno is urging his supporters to “storm” upcoming Republican county conventions, a call that spurred multiple campaigns to say they want to ensure party rules are followed as delegates meet to shape the future of the GOP.

DePerno, a lawyer from Kalamazoo, is one of three Republicans seeking the party’s nomination to run for attorney general, the top law enforcement position in Michigan. He’s supported by Donald Trump, and his convention race against ex-House Speaker Tom Leonard of DeWitt and state Rep.Ryan Berman of Commerce Township will be a test of the former president’s political strength in a key battleground state,” The Detroit News reported on April 4th.

On April 23 the Detriot News reported:

Grand Rapids — Donald Trump’s preferred candidates, Matt DePerno for attorney general and Kristina Karamo for secretary of state, won the endorsement Saturday of Michigan Republican Party delegates, solidifying the former president’s hold over a changing GOP.

DePerno, a lawyer from Kalamazoo, got the party’s endorsement after a runoff election while Karamo, an educator from Oak Park, got the nod for secretary of state in the first round of voting.

DePerno won 54% of the delegates in the second vote after falling short of the required 50% in the first round. He was locked in a tight and contentious race with former House Speaker Tom Leonard of DeWitt, who got 46% in the second vote.

That is what Schultz is talking about.  Schultz will be speaking at Rock The Red this weekend.  Tickets for the event can be found: Rock The Red

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