Dead Migrants Left to Rot, Open Borders Draw Massive Numbers of Desperate People into Contaminated Pathways [VIDEO]

Ben Bergquam, host of Law and Border on Real America’s Voice, and Oscar El Blue Ramirez spoke with Dr. Gina Loudin on Real America’s Voice to give her an update about the situation they are experiencing in the Darien Gap as they make their way through the deadly jungles to interview people who are on their way to the United States.

Bergquam and Ramirez are in the area at the same time. Even the liberal New York Times is admitting that immigration is a big money maker for Democrats.

“A Ticket to Disney’? Politicians Charge Millions to Send Migrants to U.S.

The Biden administration vowed to “end the illicit movement” of people through the Darién jungle. But the number of migrants moving through the forest has never been greater — and the profits are too big to pass up,” The New York Times reported this week, adding:

Every step through the jungle, there is money to be made.

The boat ride to reach the rainforest: $40. A guide on the treacherous route once you start walking: $170. A porter to carry your backpack over the muddy mountains: $100. A plate of chicken and rice after arduous climbing: $10. Special, all-inclusive packages to make the perilous slog faster and more bearable, with tents, boots and other necessities: $500, or more.

Hundreds of thousands of migrants are now pouring through a sliver of jungle known as the Darién Gap, the only land route to the United States from South America, in a record tide that the Biden administration and the Colombian government have vowed to stop.

But the windfall here at the edge of the continent is simply too big to pass up, and the entrepreneurs behind the migrant gold rush are not underground smugglers hiding from the authorities.

They are politicians, prominent businessmen, and elected leaders, now sending thousands of migrants toward the United States in plain sight each day — and charging millions of dollars a month for the privilege.”

“This looks like a breeding ground for disease,” Loudin said, asking Ramirez if he was seeing any evidence of problems.

Ramirez described contaminated water and ground from dead bodies not being processed properly, which Bergquam demonstrated on Twitter on Tuesday, which is below.

And later, Bergquam and Ramirez found a dead body on the ground, under a heap of blankets, and detected- from the stench in the air- other dead bodies in the area.


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