Decouple or Die

We do not want any unity with the Communists, because they are not nice partners. That is easy to understand, right? They are not ethical partners and nothing is going to make them respect the rights of the United States of America. The CCP is about total dominance.

It is ‘their way or the highway’and so now that they are busted for stealing our military and classified information- it is definitely time to get a divorce from them.

Here it is- a big smack in the face:


Media reports show that The European Union (EU) and the United States have agreed to advance their decoupling from China. Meanwhile, agreements in Asia have opened the door to considerably more trade between the dominant economies of that region, South Korea, and Japan— substantively. Proponents of decoupling want to do it immediately as the dangers of being tied together are escalating and dragging us closer to a third world war.

But the usurpations of the CCP on our Republic aren’t something the American people really understand as Democrats and RINO push squishy propaganda about ‘partnership and friendly competition’ on unsuspecting citizens.

We really do not need to do more than heed history, which tells us that while the Chinese people are not murderous, the CCP will murder their own people for power.

Consider that the exact death toll for the Chinse people at the hands of the CCP is unknown but astounding. Official statistics show that at least 550,000 people were purged and many died during the cultural revolution which was launched by Mao Zedong and CCP. massacres at the time were conducted by the People’s Liberation Army towards local civilians. The exact number of deaths has been disputed.

And the CCP are not acting like friends to Americans, something Democrats may be afraid to admit, or just too uninformed to understand.

Enter the Decouple movement – which is partly just explaining why the USA needs to get out of the CCP.

And today’s lesson on why the USA must decouple from the Chinese Community Party comes with a painful and stinging blow.

China ​ripped off US military technology to build an advanced high-tech jet fighter, and experts warn that more must be done to protect American weapons information​ and keep Beijing from making such huge development leaps​ in the future, according to a report​ on Thursday​, according to The News York Post, who reported on the details, adding:

“What we know is that because of the espionage efforts, [China’s] J-20 is more advanced than it otherwise would be, and that’s the important point here,” former Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Policy James Anderson ​told Fox News Digital in an interview.

“They have profited greatly from their thievery over the years,” ​Anderson said. “They’ve put it to good use, and they’ve come up with an advanced fifth-generation fighter​.”​

But he said it’s difficult to determine how the J-20 matches up against the US F-22 Raptor “short of actual combat.”​​

Retired Lt. Gen. Keith Kellogg, a FOX News contributor, told FOX News host Neil Cavuto on Wednesday that the U.S. needs to “decouple from China” and pivot our attention from Ukraine and toward the Asian superpower.

“We’re so focused on what’s happening with Ukraine, we keep forgetting that our greatest and growing adversary is in China and we need to make that pivot,” Kellogg said. “That’s the reason I’ve been so concerned about Ukraine, putting all of our efforts, putting all of the focus on Ukraine and we keep missing the fact that we’re not looking at China.”

“I honestly think we need to decouple from China,” Kellogg added.

“[People in the Biden administration] haven’t told us what the end game is on Ukraine, the policy and they haven’t told us what the policy is like with China,” he said. “And yet China is that threat right now and you look at what is happening in Taiwan, within the next couple years, we could see that really flair up. We haven’t really come up with a policy on it. You don’t hear it and briefed to the American people.”

RET. LT. GEN. KEITH KELLOGG: First of all, you’ve got to name what China is. China is not a competitor; France is a competitor. They’re an adversary and we don’t name it. In the national security strategy for President Biden, it didn’t call them an adversary and we need to.

What just recently happened with Qin Gang, basically their Secretary of State, the Foreign Minister for China. He said — by the way, he used to be the ambassador to the United States so he knows us pretty well. He said we are on a road to confrontation and conflict if we continue our path. That was a clear shot across our bow.

We don’t have a real policy. It’s always disjointed. It’s always we kind of come into it at the moment. And I think we have to be very, very strong as a nation and we have to say look, we have a couple things we have to do. One, we have to make sure that we deter the Chinese military. And that’s a build-up or put forces against China instead of opposing them. And the second thing we need to do is to deny them economic strength. We’ve got this $300 billion trade deficit with them and yet we keep kind of tip-toeing around China with what China is doing.

President Xi in the last ten years has been more repressive, he’s been more strident. We keep treating them like an emerging nation and they’re not. And then they’re allied with the Russians right now.

We’re so focused on what’s happening with Ukraine, we keep forgetting that our greatest and growing adversary is in China and we need to make that pivot. That’s the reason I’ve been so concerned about Ukraine, putting all of our efforts, putting all of the focus on Ukraine and we keep missing the fact that we’re not looking at China. By the way, we haven’t done that for the last 21 years…

I honestly think we need to decouple from China. President Trump used to talk about them in the last two years, primarily driven by what happened with COVID. But we need to do that, it’s not something that is going to happen overnight. But over a period of three or four years, we need to do that.

Somebody has to explain this to the American people. That has not been done by this administration. They haven’t told us the end game is on Ukraine, the policy and they haven’t told us what the policy is like with China. And yet China is that threat right now and you look at what is happening in Taiwan, within the next couple years, we could see that really flair up. We haven’t really come up with a policy on it. You don’t hear it and briefed to the American people.

Kellogg concluded:

The American people are in on this. They need to be a part of it. One thing great about America, is they’ll stand up to a threat. One you bring them together, they will stay together and fight together and work together. But we haven’t done that yet.