DEMS DON’T CARE: Smuggling Children in Car Trunks who are Passed Out, Is Ok with Democrats; they Skipped the Meeting

Democrats refused to attend the Congressional hearing in Texas on Wednesday, where child safety at the border was discussed. So the horrors of child trafficking and smuggling will go on under their noses still, because they simply do not care about it.

Even lefty- CNN knows it is a problem.

The statistics are staggering. More than 400,000 migrant children have crossed the US border without their parents since 2003, CNN reported in 2021, which answers the question of how bad people get a hold of so many migrant children for smuggling.

The numbers are on the rise again, with some children arriving who are as young or 6 or 7, CCN reported. This increase is sparking fierce debate in Washington, concern from children’s advocates and an emergency response from the Biden administration.

So they pretend to debate in DC and refuse to do anything else? AND what have the Democrats done to help these children who are separated from their families? What have they really done in two years since the CNN article? Nothing.

Let’s be honest, Democrats and their RINO enablers will do anything for political power and wealth, including infringing on the civil liberties of Americans, neglecting their sworn duty, and throwing all of their integrity to the wind. As long as they or their political idols have political power, the Democrats can not care any less about the humanitarian crisis that are unfolding as a result of Joe Biden’s open border policy.

And there is more:

Ben Bergquam, the host of Law and Border, on Real America’s Voice, talked to Miranda Khan and Dr. Gina Louden about what he discovered at the recent US House Committee on Border Security- the one Democrats were pouting about and didn’t go to:

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