‘Do You Think They Will Try to Kill You?’ America Gears up for the Epic Media Showdown on Tucker Carlson’s X

This may not have happened in the recent memory of Americans, that they can watch a political show live and see the actual audience size- live and unedited and unmanipulated and not propagandized to slant a political poll or agenda.

And the numbers they see of views that Tucker Carlson gets while interviewing President Donald J. Trump, on Carlson’s Twitter line are likely to change politics and media forever. As the Administrative State and the RHINO- -left team up to cheer the opponents of Trump’s primary run for POTUS- Trump’s supporters will line up to support him by watching Wednesday night’s electric program on Carlson’s social media.

Views on the small teases Carlson posted appeared to be growing at a rate of 100,000 a minute, which is something that no corporate media platform can actually match:

This tease is brutal!

We will be updating this post with new coverage.

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