Does USA Have Right to Self-Protection From Illegals? Charges Reduced for AZ Rancher who Shot and Killed Migrant Invader

A 73 yr old rancher in AZ was arrested and charged with murder and two counts of aggregated assault for shooting at illegal aliens on his property (killing one … who had been previously deported multiple times). He was held on a $1 million dollar bond.

Last week the charges were reduced and he was finally released from custody, however, he still faces drastic legal challenges and his cases raise the question of whether or not Americans have the right to protect themselves from people who are in the country illegally and breaking laws.

This is the perfect case to pay attention to for understanding what the America First agenda is, compared to America’s Last agenda of the administrative state, the RINO-Left alliance.

Do Americans have the right to self protection on our own land, in the face of a massive United Nations push for human migration, with their Global Compact, into our country?

The UN with it’s massive influence, funded largely by American taxpayer funds, has paid for the invasion into our country. Do citizens have any recourse?

In one AZ town, the answer is apparently- NO. The rancher still faces second-degree charges.

“That’s a significant change in the charge,” she said. “Second-degree murder is, frankly, a more complicated theory of the case for both the state and the defense,” legal experts told Fox News on Friday.

Fox News reported:

“Arizona rancher George Alan Kelly’s murder charge downgraded to second-degree in the shooting of Mexican migrant. Arizona rancher George Alan Kelly is accused of shooting and killing a Mexican national on his property on Jan. 30”

The Arizona rancher accused of shooting and killing a Mexican national on his border property has had his first-degree murder charge downgraded to a second-degree one, a judge announced Friday. 

Judge Emilio Velasquez spoke about the amended complaint during an evidentiary hearing for George Alan Kelly in Santa Cruz County Justice Court in Nogales, Arizona.

His attorney, Brenna Larkin, entered a not guilty plea. 

Kelly, 73, was released from custody this week after posting bond on Wednesday. 

Prosecutors allege Kelly opened fire with an AK-47 rifle on about eight unarmed migrants he encountered Jan. 30 on his ranch outside Nogales, striking the man who died in the back as he tried to flee. Two migrants in the group later told authorities that Kelly shot at them as well, but they were not hit and escaped over a fence back into Mexico. 

Steve Bannon and Ben Bergquam highlighted, months ago, the conflicts of AZ Ranchers covering law enforcement in the are who painted a picture that the Ranchers in AZ were on their own to protect themselves and their land- almost predicting what would happen when someone like Kelly tried to protect his property and his family:

Human Events editor, Jack Posobiec reported on more details of the situation, saying that Kelly had been accused of “Hunting Illegals” on his own farmland: