“It’s Not Good”, Shocking Footage of Independent Investigation from Abandoned Ohio Clashes With Biden’s Narrative

Ben Bergquam, a correspondent for Real America’s Voice, was on the ground in East Palestine, OH, and interviewed an independent researcher who was examining a waterbed and the environment to determine what chemicals it was that were spilled into the air and water supply in the area of the train derailment earlier in February.

According to media reports the corporate media is reporting one thing while Independent media is reporting something totally different:

“No one was injured when 38 Norfolk Southern cars derailed in a fiery, mangled mess on the outskirts of town, but as fears grew about a potential explosion due to hazardous chemicals in five rail cars, officials evacuated the area. They later opted to release and burn toxic vinyl chloride from the tanker cars, sending flames and black smoke billowing into the sky again.

Federal and state officials have repeatedly said it’s safe for evacuated residents to return to the area and that air testing in the town and inside hundreds of homes hasn’t detected any concerning levels of contaminants. In addition, the state says the local municipal drinking water system is safe, and bottled water is available for those with private wells. Despite those assurances, many residents have expressed a sense of mistrust or have lingering questions about what they have been exposed to and how it will impact the future of their families and communities.”

However, independent reports from residents and others showed an alarming level of concern last week, as residents held a town hall-style meeting where tensions were very high over the lack of respect from the Biden administration and what locals told independent media was a lack of information about the real risks and hazards that were unfolding.

Frustrated locals reached their breaking point mid-February:

On February 6th, the day the chemicals were released into the air, the AP reported the details that were circulated around for most of the month:

“Crews released toxic chemicals into the air from five derailed tanker cars that were in danger of exploding Monday and began burning it after warning residents near the Ohio-Pennsylvania state line to leave immediately or face the possibility of death.

Flames and black smoke billowed high into the sky from the derailment site late in the afternoon, about an hour after authorities said the controlled release would begin.

The slow release of vinyl chloride from five rail cars into a trough that was then ignited created a large plume above the village of East Palestine but authorities said they were closely monitoring the air quality.

“Thus far, no concerning readings have been detected,” Pennsylvania Gov. Josh Shapiro said at a brief evening news conference about three hours after the venting and burning procedure began.”

Yet locals were feeling very frustrated over mysterious illnesses that had happened since the chemical burn, and the fact that no official from the Biden administration had been to see the area or talk to the people before President Donald J. Trump announced he would make a visit.

Seeing an opportunity to assist people independent media and Conservative Senator from OH, JD Vance used their platform to bring national attention to the testing situation.

Bergqum appeared on the War Room with host Steve Bannon to talk about the details of what he had seen from Trump:

Bergquam traveled to the area again, to meet with other press members after Trump’s press conference with Real America’s Voice, to get more details, and also to get reports from independent researchers who were frustrated by a slow response from the Biden officials and the EPA. He posted his short footage of a brief exchange with a scientist that showed the apparent dire condition of the water there:

“New shocking footage from East Palestine, Ohio, with industrial hygienist Stephen E. Perry, showing more chemicals in water/soil sediments. The fear now is dioxin. No wonder no one trusts what the government is saying!” Bergquam posted

Bergquam also updated Real America’s Voice with more details: