Don’t Miss This Powerful Testimony By Two Men Who Were Rescued From Hell On Earth, By Jesus

Ben Bergquam is the founder of Frontline America, a frequent guest on Steve Bannon’s War Room, and a reporter for Real America’s Voice. He started as an activist who loved Jesus and wanted to hear people’s stories. He is driven to report by a passion for his wife and family and for America he loves, one where people care about each other.

In this video Bergquam visits with two men, each who share their powerful testimonies about how the love and grace of Jesus rescued them from drug addiction and crime. The men work for a street evangelical ministry, where they seek out some of the hardest people to minister to, hardened criminals and those with substance abuse.

Bergquam fellowship with the two men who told him about the ministry and their own past. The following is a great story about redemption and servant leadership.

“God put a burden in my heart to reach those that nobody wants to reach,” said Jacob Zailian of Set Free Sanger, in Sanger California.

“God has put a burden in my heart to serve people that no one else wanted to serve,” Zailian said.

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