Fascist AZ SOS, Fast and Furious Defender, Using Political Power to Demand Kari Lake’s Campaign Tweets are Investigated

Newly elected Democrat Secretary of State of Arizona, Adrian Fontes, also an attorney for Mexican Drug Cartel associations, is going for the jugular in a nasty fight against the 2022 Republican candidate for Governor of Arizona, Kari Lake, over her campaign team’s social media posts.

Fontes wants to involve the Attorney General for the state in his scheme and sent a letter outlining his feelings about Lake’s campaign making tweets about faulty ballots from his county.

By Monday night Lake’s attorney had released a scathing rebuke of Fontes and his letter. Fontes is someone known to Republican groups and the media as having a suspicious background, according to media reports, like this one:

“Adrian Fontes, who was caught mixing tainted ballots with legitimate ones and destroying the evidence to cover his tracks, has an incredibly unscrupulous history of defending narco-terrorists and once represented a defendant in the Obama Administration’s infamous gun-running scandal, Operation Fast and Furious, which provided arms to the dangerous Mexican drug cartels,” NRSC reported in 2018. 

Fox News went back to before 2016 and reported about Fontes:

“A county official in Arizona, whom Republicans accuse of destroying evidence to cover up “voting irregularities,” has previously defended the accused ringleader of a group of gun straw buyers in Operation Fast and Furious, the federal operation that led to the death of a Border Patrol agent in the state. Before he was elected in 2016 as Maricopa County recorder, Adrian Fontes was an attorney representing clients in narco-terrorism and firearms scandals.”


So this latest move by Fontes against Lake and her team is highly questionable in a long string of questionable moves.

Earlier on Monday, Fontes had sent a letter to AZ Attorney General  Kris Mayes and demanded that Lake be punished for referring to the evidence she claims proves her case, which was reported on by the media.

Fontes is apparently showing the citizens of Arizona what it means to have Fascists in power by using his government authority to investigate his political opponents over issues that involved him and his suspicious actions in highly curious elections.

The letter from Fontes to Mayes states- in part:

Dear Attorney General Mayes:

I am writing today to ask you to investigate and take appropriate enforcement action against Kari Lake for potential violation of Arizona law, committed under her Twitter, Twitter @KariLake on January 23rd 2023 at 3:55, the @KariLake account Tweeted: Bombshell Discovery today. Senate testimony confirms nearly 40 thousand ballots illegally counted ten percent of signatures reviewed. I think all the election deniers out there deserve an apology.

Embedded in the Tweet was a graphic containing images of 16 voters signatures. the relevant law provides in pertinent part. Nothing in this selection shall preclude public inspection of voter registration records at the office of the County Recorder for the purposes prescribed by this section, except that the records containing a voter signature shall not be accessible or reproduced by any a person other than the voter.

Unauthorized reproduction of a voter signature is a violation of this provision is a Class 6. Felony. The tweet and embedded, graphic are attached for your reference. Therefore the Secretary of State’s office is referring this matter to you for further investigation and possible prosecution for violation, please let me know if there are any additional information that we can provide.

Sincerely, Adrian Fontes,
Arizona, Secretary of State.

According to his official government bio: Fontes is an American politician, election official, veteran, and attorney. A member of the Democratic Party, he has served as the Secretary of State of Arizona since 2023, after defeating Republican Nominee Mark Finchem in 2022. Fontes previously served as the Maricopa County Recorder from 2017 to 2021.

Maricopa County is where Lake’s legal team has focused their investigations on a large number of problematic ballots and highlighted their suspicions over the 2022 elections, putting Fontes in the center of a massive scandal involving potential abuse of power and conflict of interest.

Ben Bergquam, a correspondent for Real America’s Voice, who has been with the Lake campaign from the beginning and reported on the election and the aftermath for Real America’s Voice and the War Room, told Frontline America that:

“Arizona election officials really don’t want this election investigation going forward. They know that looking at ballots exposes them. Also, Adrian Fontes has suspicious connections to the Mexican Drug cartels, and anyone else who is connected to them as well doesn’t want Kari Lake to find any answers to the very strange problems there were in the state on election day.”

Here is what Bergquam posted on Monday evening in reaction,  as a letter dropped from Fontes demanding an investigation into Lake’s tweets:

Here is the letter in full:

Kari Lake’s attorney, Tim LaSota, made a statement Monday evening:

“This is becoming all too common in politics—another attempt to weaponize the justice system with a phony allegation against a Republican.  Adrian Fontes selectively quotes the statute in an attempt to distort the law and smear Kari Lake in the process.  Kris Mayes should immediately say that she will have no part in this shameful, disgusting effort,” LaSota wrote, adding:

“This information came from the Arizona Senate investigation on acceptance of clearly mismatched signatures on early ballots and Kari Lake has an absolute right under the First Amendment to republish the information presented to the Senate.”

Chances are the opponents of Lakes don’t like her ideas on how to secure the border.   Here are some Frontline America reports on Lake’s campaign that Fontes and his clients obviously do not enjoy:
