Ice Cube Tells Dems: ‘Check Yo Self Before You Wreck Yo Self’

Sports fans need to be liberated from the woke ideology that has destroyed their American sports and entertainment, and one long-time icon of American music and culture is doing something brilliant about it- and the left is not at all happy.

This is a perfect cultural story; Ice Cube is causing people to delete and lock down their accounts after one interaction with him defending himself and his newest culture project. People find Ice Cube, the rap and hip-hop artist on Twitter and try to trash talk him; then after he responds to them trying to play smashmouth with ONE POST, many of them end up pouting offline -altogether. One dude even deleted his entire account. That is a Slam Dunk on political intimidation.

Ice Cube has some big-name sponsors for his project, which is threatening the positioning of the Woke NBA:

Ice Cube and his pals, known as ‘Big 3’ are taking the NBA off the courts, according to media reports:

The brilliant, blazing new platform for fans of Basketball and Hip Hop is popular, people are happy – and Ice Cube is an icon of culture- so what could people, like leftist Roland Martin, possibly be that upset about?

This looks like awesome fun:

Big Three is not about pushing Communism on their fans, so apparently, the left is feeling pretty fragile and broken over Ice Cube getting a network together of old-school fans to watch their sport in peace again.

Ice is not pushing the woke ideology that has made so many fans sick:

Progressive podcaster, Roland Martin, who Frontline America has covered in the past for trashing Black American voters for supporting America First policies, and who hates to see anyone in the Black Community enjoy their sports and entertainment or partake in Free Market Capitalism-has been trashing Ice Cube for years.

Atlantic Black Star wrote about a dustup between the two in 2020, reporting:

“Amongst the current angst and drama surrounding the presidential election results, Ice Cube is standing resolutely behind his decision to collaborate with President Donald Trump‘s campaign for the rapper’s Contract With Black America. However, despite his steadfastness, it appears that the widespread criticism from the Black community over his decision has, in some measure, left him upset and confused.

Ice Cube took to Twitter on Nov. 5 to let his feelings be known on the matter with a dismissive rant toward his Black detractors.

“Let me get this straight, I get the president of the United States to agree to put over half a trillion dollars of capital in the Black Community (without an endorsement) and N– are mad at me? [laughing emojis]…have a nice life,” he tweeted.


It happened here, with the person locking down their account:

And this one outright deleted his account:

And Ticketmaster is trying to stop him as well:

Democrats are crazy mad at Ice Cube and the Big 3… and he doesn’t seem worried about it at all…

Can you hear him saying it? Check Yo Self

Here is more of our coverage of Roland Martin:
