Immigration HELL: Shocking Disposal Of Liberation and Freedom in France

What began for Real America’s Voice (RAV)  correspondents Ben Berggquam and Oscar El Blue Ramirez as a tour to honor the fallen Americans and allies who saved the world from the Nazi regime turned into a tour of the occupying force of rebellious migrants, who have seized France and are causing violent uprisings to change the country.

Bergquam and ElBlue are on a tour of Europe, thanks to sponsors like Patriot Mobile, to investigate the problems of mass migration in Europe- as the world is suffering from some organized destruction of Western societies by forced immigration. 

Social media has been full of images of uprisings in France for months. Many people are blaming the forced immigration into France as the cause as heard in the following clip:

The Daily Mail reported on a brutal rape that happened at an iconic symbol of freedom- the Eifel Tower in Paris, at the end of July.  

Eiffel Tower tourist says she was gang raped in nearby Paris park by five suspects

  • A tourist from Mexico reported she was raped at a park near the Eiffel Tower
  • The 27-year-old said she was attacked by five men between the early hours of July 26 and 27
  • The woman refused to file a complaint at a police station before the Mexican embassy intervened and helped Paris police locate her

Rape is a weapon of invasion as seen in this video, as described by a White woman from South Africa who was denied the chance to immigrate to another country after being attacked in her homeland by a brutal anti-White movement- however she was not protected or assisted: 

(This article contains the opinion of the author, and it is not pretty- Warning.)


Bergquam, the host of Law and Border and El Blue, co-founder of Border Network News, are in Europe this August and reporting to RAV and the War Room with Steve Bannon to show the world the dramatic transformation of the country our World War two generation fought- and many died to keep free.

From Bergquam’s report, it is clear to see that France has fallen and the culprit is intentional mass human migration, and as El Blue highlighted to Bannon on Monday- the structure to do such a thing comes from the United Nations with their usurpation of Western countries under a policy that we have reported on frequently called the Global Compact for migration.


The journey started with honoring the dead in France who fought for liberty and freedom:

Bergquam meets with French migrants at the location of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.  According to it’s bio- The Eiffel Tower — or, la Tour Eiffel — has long been one of the world’s most recognizable landmarks, symbolizing the romance and ingenuity of the City of Light, and it is now overrun with litter and strife:

And more interviews and footage show the disregard the current occupants have for the sacred place:

El Blue discussed with Bannon what is the root cause of this transformation of one of the greatest Westernized countries in the world:

More of our report on the Global Compact for Migration: