INHUMANE! Biden’s US Open Border Policies are Destoring Human Life

‘Hell on Earth’ is how two independent journalists described the environment where they are reporting from- on the origins of the US border crisis that is building in South and Central America and ravishing the United States.

“There are dead bodies littering the Darien Gap. We see them, and we can smell them. This is a Global illegal alien travel agency, and Washington DC is lying to us about what they are doing. This can only happen thanks to the US Government,” Ben Bergquam, the host of Law and Border, told Real America’s Voice morning show host on Friday.

Describing seeing people drowning because the current washes people trying to cross to their death, Oscar El Blue reported that the Mexican and Columbian Drug Cartels are making money and ushering up to 10,000 people a day from around the world through a deadly trek to get to the United States- reminding people- again- that this is with permission from the United States government.

Bergquam and El Blue described a devastating scene from the jungles of Panama, where they witnessed a much bigger crowd than they had seen in their previous trips over the years.

“These groups who are out here, pushing these people and telling them it is an easy trip and a good thing to do, are out there making a profit; it is the policies coming out of DC that help these groups make money,” Bergquam said about the horrifying scene.

“We have heard there are people who have gone blind because there are so many dead bodies in the water causing bacteria in the water,” El Blue added.

Watch starting at 1:23:00