‘It’s So Sad! Invasion Day” Bergquam Sees “Bus Loads and Bus Loads” Full of Illegals Going into the Countryside

Ben Bergquam, a correspondent for Real America’s Voice (RAV) and host of Law and Border, is live on the scene in Brownsville, Texas, to experience what happens at the US border between Texas and Mexico as the Trump era Title 42 is lifted, allowing illegal migrants to come into the United States and be greeted by a Border Security who will assist them in getting comfortable- instead of being turned away.

“Tell us what the NGOs are doing on the day of the invasion, sir,” Steve Bannon, host of the War Room, said to Berqquam, tossing the mic over to hear the story.

Bergquam, surrounded by the hustle and bustle of about 70 people moving around, panned two buildings that are close together with people ,killing around between them and said:

“Well, they’re they are profiting, Steve,” Bergquam responded.


And so now we know why Biden has been paying off so many charities and NGOs:

Under the policies of the Biden administration, the borders are essentially open as of 11:00 p.m. May 11, 2023 as Biden will allow the policy that kept many people away- to expire.

We know from past reporting and news stories that Biden has funded leftist Non-Government Organizations to (NGO) “assist” in the movement of the UN-driven human migration.

Bergquam has reported to Bannon live from many places along the UN migration route into the United States from deep into the southern border of South America and shows how the NGOs Profit from the scheme to exploit the open borders.

The build-up of migrants in camps in the nearby areas of the border towns has been growing over months in anticipation of the easing of immigration policies, as covered by Bergquam, who traced the origins of the

On Thursday’s War Room, Bannon and Bergquam discussed the hectic scene in the small Texas border town, where Bergquam reported live from the location of two Nonprofits who were working under the guise of ‘safe streets’ to help assist illegal migrants into other towns and cities in the US:

This is the new Democrat industry of human smuggling and profiting off of human misery. We’ve got thousands down here right now, this is the downtown by the bus station. You see behind me, this entire Street and this intersection has been taken over by the NGO basically, and they actually operate in this building, here, which was given to them by the city for a dollar,” he said, showing the building and then adding:

“And then this building here, which is ironic, because this is where we actually confronted them last week about being an NGO, and they’ve actually taken their sign off the building.

But this is all being done by team Brownsville, the city of Brownsville, and several other NGOs in the city again, profiting off of this human trafficking in this Invasion.

It is just is going to get worse as Title 42 Ends Tonight.

Under this Safe Streets Fiasco, are they just processing these people and let them go into the community or then bus them farther into the United States as quickly as they can.

They are passing them as they can because they just can’t hold onto them, and they have no place to put them. So DPS takes them within oftentimes 24 hours. DPS comes here, drops them off right here at the bus stop.

They send them to the NGO. The NGO goes in, they try to basically upsell them on transportation and on hotel rooms and bus tickets or plane tickets, and then they fly them, they ship them, they send them all over the country and then the next group comes through. The next group comes through,” Bergquam said, describing the process of how these people are being assisted to break into our country and get dependent on our government and live in our communities.

It’s a well-oiled machine down here,” Bergquam said in conclusion.

“Yeah, it’s not chaos is organized,” Bannon added.  

Here is how NBC is reporting the details of what Bannon called “invasion day”:

Here are key points about Title 42’s end

“The New Arrivals feel fearful and are getting assistance.”

This is exactly as Bergquam described the situation to Steve Bannon, host of the War Room on Thursday, about what he has seen on the ground, that the immigration officials are actually helping to relocate people into the perimeter of the United States, completely bypassing all of our immigration laws and procedures.

A new episode of Law and Border will air on RAV on Saturday, showing many of the problems with the broken immigration system. Here are the details:

More on Bergquam’s undercover reporting: