Jan 6th Footage: “If you throw a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that holla is the one ya’ hit”

Can you hear them hollering? Washington, DC is full of screaming and yelling, isn’t it? So what happened this week that has set these elite and haughty politicians into such an emotional rage? Well, the American people have gotten some retribution at the hands of Fox News Tucker Carlson, who appears to have slipped his leash a bit and is giving the American people a bit of a treat by playing footage that no one in power wants him to play.

Not that what he is showing is news to anyone, but it is proof that Jan. 6th is nothing close to what the elite need the ‘little people’ to believe about that day. The administrative state’s lies about that day are the very foundation of their years and years of revenge against supporters of President Donald J. Trump. The government employees need the American taxpayer to be framed as terrorists, so they can only hand over their cash and be forced to stay out of politics.

The foundation of the Intelligence Community’s attacks on the American people as ‘terrorists’ depends on what happened at the Nation’s Capitol- right? So what if we can go to court and prove they are lying? That would be trouble for them.

The people being held in prison right now, who have been denied access to the footage Carlson played for their defense for two years- may now be able to get out of jail. That is terrible for the administrative state. Check it out:

They got ‘hit with a truth ,b,omb,’ and Americans know they are lying.

But which one of our civil servants are guilty of perpetuating the lies? Well, look for the ones who are hollering.

US Senator Thom Tillis (RINO-NC) went on a rampage over the footing shown to the American people- almost as if he was taking the whole thing personally. Tillis is actiasike he got hit. WOW. Guilty much Thom?

The White House chimed in- you know they are guilty:

Radical Marxist Whoopi Goldberg yelped:

US Senator Chuck Schumer screamed!

The true story about Jan. 6th is something that most honest Americans always have knowns the government is full of lying- liars. And the fact that American Citizens have been held and tortured in an American prison for almost two years- and denied access to the film footage that Carlson is showing proves that Conservatives, Populists- Nationalist Trump supporters have been political prisoners, and it is historical corruption.

What has happened is Treason, and it is getting worse for the detainees are beginning to put together defenses that very well may prove who the worst of the worst are in DC- once and for all.

Just look at who is behind the torture of Americans:


What Carlson has done is happening at the same time that the Republicans have control of the US House and the Committees who can dive into the usurpations of the left- including their persecution of innocent American citizens.

News broke Wednesay that some GOP reps are going to take further steps to freak DC out:

GOP Reps. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia and House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer of Kentucky are planning to visit Jan. 6 defendants being held in the Washington, D.C. jail.

A spokesperson for Comer has confirmed reports saying Greene is leading the effort, though concrete details are still being worked out.
Greene and Comer told The Hill a letter to start the process of the visit is expected to be released on Thursday.

“We’re going to be addressing the human rights abuse, such as the fact that they’ve been held in solitary confinement up to 23 hours a day, denied the ability to see their families,” Green told the outlet.

Greene previously visited the defendants in November 2021. During an appearance on Steven Bannon’s “The War Room” on Real America’s Voice, the Republican lawmaker claimed the prisoners were being kept in conditions worse than Guantanamo Bay, Fox News reported.

“Last night I finally got into the deplorable jail, the D.C. jail where these people are being held for months on end in conditions like I’ve never seen in my life,” Green said. “It’s beyond anything I’ve ever seen and every American in this country should be outraged at what’s happening. I don’t care how you vote.”
That same week, the U.S. Marshals Service completed an inspection of the jail complex where 30 Jan. 6 defendants were being held. The Marshals’ inspection determined the defendants were being held in sufficient conditions.

It was not immediately clear which other Republicans will accompany Greene and Comer on the visit.