Jeff Rainforth: Almost Attacked On Border by Angry African

From Jeff Rainforth who has been recording lines of foreigners and huge groups of people making fires to keep warm, and not of them are all polite guests coming into our country.

“This illegal alien African Islamist got in my face over dust in the air after he crossed the border with hundreds of others through a cut in the wall. He was mad that Border Patrol trucks and my Jeep stirred up dust on the dirt roads. I told him, This is America, man; You didn’t have to come over here.”

More from Raitnforth:

“I camped in my Jeep and filmed on the border in Lukeville at all hours for 7 weeks. Heading back and to various hot spots soon. I’m talking to various people about taking on human child sex traffickers and international counter-terrorism stuff.”

Check this out:

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