JUST IN TIME! Newest Law and Border Episode Shows what Corporate Media is Hiding about Child Trafficking

Ben Bergquam is a correspondent for Real America’s Voice and the host of Law and Border series, which is an upfront view of the massive invasion through the Southern Border of the United States.

A new episode will be aired on Real America’s Voce on Saturday.

The new episode is dropping at the same time the US Congress is hearing from US Rep. Wesley Hunt (R-TX) that the United States is receiving 85,000 unaccompanied minors who were trafficked into the United States – and there is no trace of them.

Watch Hunt give the details of the this shocking situation:

And that is just the problem with Biden’s open borders.

Bergquam is a frequent guest on the War Room program with Steve Bannon to talk about these issues and is a regular contributor on Real America’s Voice news.

Bergquam has exposed the ties between charities, who are funding and assisting the government, with the invasion of the US.

Bergquam and his associates have years of experience with law enforcement and locals around the border areas that are most crossed by economic migrants from around the world. Together, sharing information, Bergquam and his guests like Oscar El Blue and Anthony Aguero, interview people who have made it to the US to give their viewers a real picture of the situation that faces Americans- one which the corporate media has ignored for so long.

Bergquam has uncovered that people from around the world know that the border is – in fact- open.

Viewers of the show will have the knowledge of what is really happening as a result of out-of-control non-profits and open Democrat borders.

A new episode will air on Real America’s Voice on Saturday at 4 PM.

Please follow Ben Bergquam @BenBergquam on Truth Social, GETTR, Twitter, Facebook and on @FrontlineAmeica on Twitter and Facebook and Frontline America in Rumble.