Kari Lake Responds to Confusing Catty Axios Article About VP Pick

Axios ran a story by Mike Allen on Tuesday about how President Donald J. Trump, the only declared Presidential candidate for 2024, will likely choose a woman as his running mate to take back the White House in 2024.

Allen, in his piece, speculated and credited unnamed sources claiming that Trump’s choice for Vice President would be Populist firebrand Kari Lake or someone just like her.

And even though the article was typical political garbage and propaganda, Lake, being gracious, gave Ben Bergquam of Real America’s Voice a statement about the validity of Allen’s claims.

“My goal is to be in the Arizona Governor’s office. I won the election, and everyone in Arizona knows it. We, The People, deserve to have the leaders we elect to hold the office we elect them to.

I am 100% dedicated to serving as Arizona’s Governor. I will also work to make sure President Trump gets back in the White House ASAP. Anything outside of those two goals is nothing but a distraction.

Our best days are ahead of us and it all starts with electing America-First candidates all across this country,” Lake said in reaction to the Axios article.

Lake had just spoken boldly against the administrative state, to a wildly enthusiastic crowd at the Conservative Populist Nationalist gathering in Washington DC on Friday, which had her political opponents very upset and ready for a fight.

Watch her speech at the Rumble link.

The passive-aggressive VP article by Allen was pure misinformation and what appears to be an attempt to marginalize the MAGA movement that pushed Trump into the White House in 2016. Allen used shaming tactics about election integrity issues and mean statements about Trump’s ‘personality’ to lay a subversive smear down on them both.

Obviously, Allen saw an opportunity to punch both Lake and Trump with some mean statements and misdirection showing that Axios displays a very strange way of doing political journalism, one that reduces important issues of public concern over deadly Global war and intense domestic disharmony into third-grade spitball fights.

For example, supporters of Trump are never given any credit for supporting a candidate who has excellent policy ideas for the restoration of the American Republic or on avoiding death in needless battles.

Allen was too busy being emotional about Trump’s perceived ego- which is an odd thing for men to do to men.

Media mouths like Allen never stop to evaluate any legitimate reasons for Trump’s and Lake’s popularity. It is very strange to see someone make their livelihood out of writing grade school-level gossip and passing it off as political news in the greatest country in the world.

But that is what we have outside of Real America’s Voice and a handful of other independent news sources currently.

Back at Axios, Allen wrote that he was ‘scooping’ the other media by suggesting that Trump was hurting with ‘White suburban women’ and would therefore be choosing Lake to be by his side because she would deliver that segment of the voting public to ‘beat Biden’.

A good political journalist would have some data to go with that claim. Allen gave none.

And it was all so confusing because Allen also added that whatever it was he was reporting about Lake and Trump was nonsense, adding slyly that- in fact- no one knew who Trump was going to pick for his VP, and then citing a real person for once:

Trump spokesperson Steven Cheung said: “Anyone who thinks they know what President Trump is going to do is seriously misinformed and trying to curry favor with ‘potential’ V.P. candidates.”

  • “President Trump will choose his running mate on his own time, and those who are playing the media game are doing so at their own peril.”

Allen’s piece was full of speculations about everything from Biden running, to Trump running, to catty remarks about what Trump was thinking, all of it unsourced and arranged into a sort of word salad for Never Trumper’s pleasure.

The article was not exactly linear.

The smashmouth by Allen was done for entertainment and in a desperate attempt to discredit both Trump and Lake- and it was done by any means necessary. Even sloppy journalism.

The Axios catty clickbait article is nothing but speculation, and it is an example of how little respect the mainstream media has for Americans and our concerns.

The real battles that Populist-Nationalists like Lake and Trump face are the corporate media who try to pass smears and temper tantrums off as news and data.

The time to reject these corporate propaganda outlets is at this very moment.

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