Law And Border Shows the Ultimate Cost: US Government Doesn’t Care About Fentanyl Deaths Caused By Open Borders

This is what the media does not want Americans to know about how dangerous the Southern Border has become-drugs are very easy to get ahold of, and they are extremely deadly drugs and the President of the United States is directing law enforcement to allow it all to unfold- no matter how Americans suffer.

Real America’s Voice recently focused on the painful impact on families of Fentanyl deaths, which was covered by Ben Bergquam’s most recent episode of Law and Border episode for the network titled: The Ultimate Cost.

As highlighted on that episode, Bergquam showed the reaction of an American family as they learned that their worst nightmare had come true, a younger member of the family had died from a drug overdose.

The family reenacted the night they got the horrible news.

Bergquam also interviewed the parents of a young man who died and got their reaction to Biden’s open borders, which has seen an increase in laced prescription drugs as well as dangerous street drugs:

, Unlike other media, Bergquam goes to the border and interviews real people to ask them about the real impacts of the Democrat’s policy choices as they are forgoing national security and being reckless with the lives of young people:

Bergquam and Oscar El Blue Ramirez, another correspondent for Real America’s Voice, interviewed a member of the drug cartel on a recent tour they took together in the notorious Darrien Gapy, looking for the cause of the mass human migration that has started deep in South America and taken people through a dangerous journey in Central America to get to the United States of America.

“I left because there was a lot of killing,” the coyote tells Ramirez.

These are the stories and the details that the corporate media are withholding from the American people on their major platforms, obviously to assist the politicians making these decisions.

A recent op-ed in the Boston Globe voiced outrage over Americans’ lack of concern.

The fentanyl epidemic is more than a crisis. It’s a massacre.

Opioid overdoses are the leading cause of death for Americans aged 18 to 45. Fentanyl leads the charge. Where is our outrage?

By Tamara Kerrill FieldUpdated February 24, 2023, 11:54 a.m.

A darkness bleeds across New England and the nation, killing daily, indiscriminately, stealthily. We call it the fentanyl epidemic, but those affected by it know it to be a massacre.

My friend C had an understanding of the addictive mind like no other person I have met. She was brilliant, her intuition razor sharp. She was 42 and the mother of a young child. We were teasing out new treatment models for women in January 2022, when fentanyl claimed her. Now, we’ve lost all she might have contributed.

My friend J was 24. She was a new soul, dreams fresh and bright. She hadn’t seen much of the world outside of New England and planned to hopscotch the globe: Paris, Athens, Tokyo. A ground-crew job at a major airline offered the perk of discounted travel. Her quick mind was an ideas factory, neurons firing at full throttle as she plotted her next move. Could she travel and be an investigative news reporter? I assured her she could. I assured her that anything was possible.

In December, I found J dead in the sober living apartment I shared with her and two other women. A pinch of fentanyl, the bag still beside her, ended everything that could have been.

Watch Law and Border episode that was made in the hopes that lives would be saved: