Leader Trump Called Abandoned Working Class Ohio Residents Day Before Indictment to say he has their Backs

On Thursday, the United States of America was faced with the very final battle in the war for their independence from the draconian -authoritarian rule of the axis of evil that faces the working-class men and women in the nation. The news came like a crushing blow to the hopeful that Donald J. Trump would be indicted and arrested.

According to radical George Soros funded Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg has gotten his dream come true, with a case against Trump that many other people passed up:

Will the working class remember to have Trump’s back now?

The Administrative State- who are the massive groups of government employees who want to keep their cushy jobs and benefits, together with the RINOS, who want to rule the GOP and have backroom deals; and the radical far left who want a Marxist cultural revolution have been partners in the intentional decline of the United States of America for at least 5 decades, and this week we have now reached a final stage to transform the United States of America- from a Republic where the citizens are self-governed, to a third world dictatorship-where power and money rules.

Trump supporters see the final stand for our Republic, where the axis of evil is winning- with the arrest of the leading Republican candidate for President by his Democrat opponent.

Polls showed on Wednesday and Thursday even after news of the indictment showed that Trump was a sure winner in 2024:

Just one day before, on Wednesday, Trump phoned into a live broadcast of the John Fredericks show where he talked about his continued support of the men and women of East Palestine, OH, who have been left to fend for themselves after an environmental disaster, in early February 2023, disrupted their lives.

We wrote about that live coverage of East Palestine, OH here and the two day “Abandoned Town Hall” event with Real America’s Voice programing:

The two-day event for Real America’s Voice covered the fears and the devastation a lot of American workers, who are being ignored by the Federal Government.

Trump has always resonated with the working-class men and women who are the foundation of his MAGA movement and the brunt of Hillary R. Clinton’s joke about the basket of “deplorables” .

The destain the elite politicians have for the men and women who do an honest day’s work, have always been the greatest pride to Trump, and the targets of his Make America Great Again policies.

That is likely because Trump has worked and raised up an empire of workers and he loves workers.

Flashback, remember when Trump saved Carrier a number of American jobs:

According to his Bio: Trump became president of his father’s real estate business in 1971 and renamed it the Trump Organization. He expanded the company’s operations to building and renovating skyscrapers, hotels, casinos, and golf courses and later started side ventures, mostly by licensing his name.”

Workers are important to people, especially the ones he feels are being most ignored.

We covered more details about the Trump call and about his earlier press conference in the area- when he called Democrat Joe Biden out for not visiting the area:

Trump called in to talk to Ohio Residents after meeting with the people in person earlier in February to lend his support and encouragement:

John Fredericks spoke with War Room host Steve Bannon the day and why he will always support Trump:

“Trump is the only politician to have our America’s Back”.

Trump’s statement about the Indicetment: