Lindell Election Event: “This Country is 68% Red Without Machines”

In 2022 at the Summit for Election Integrity in Springfield, Mo, activists, journalists, and social media influencers met with concerned citizens to encourage each other to seek out “cast vote records” to hold elected officials accountable for the election results from 2020 which caused such concern in the United States.

The good news is that Lindell has raised up a movement of very smart and highly dedicated patriotic Americans who refuse to walk away from what they see as a massive injustice in the United States, resulting in hundreds of millions of Americans feeling as if the US does not have honest elections.

Hundreds of those Americans met in person in 2022, and millions watched online for three days of discussions about work being done in numerous states getting records on how Americans voted. In many of those places, activists successfully got those records and added them to Mike Lindell’s growing collection.

In 2023 many of the same successful people met again for the Election Crime Bureau, for Lindell’s third election integrity event, to hear about what Mike Lindell calls the “plan to save America and secure elections immediately.”

On Wednesday, Lindell once again set his targets on getting rid of the ballot casting and counting machines saying that both Democrats and Republicans have grown distrustful of the electronic interference in elections. The fight is different in each state for the grassroots groups, however, their leaders have a consensus that they want hand-cast and hand-counted ballots, simply adding that “no one trusts the machines” anymore.

Below is a video clip from Wednesday, showing Lindell from the opening day of his two-day event recalling the 2022 plan to get local people engaged in powerful activism in their regions, getting “cast vote records,” which allegedly shows ‘machine manipulations’, and he talked about the 2023 plan to apply that cast vote record data to something more conclusive about what happened in the previous two elections; 2020 and 2022.

Lindell said from the cast vote records, “We got information from one-third of the United States, and they are passing laws now that we can’t get them anymore. But it is too late. For the 2022 election, we have one-fifth of the cast vote records,” he said, adding a story that happened in Miami Dade County recently- showing no computer manipulation and giving him a baseline of what happens when no machines are involved with elections.

Following along his theme for the two days of finding hope- Lindell said, “Here is the hope: Florida didn’t cheat. They had no machines, and that shows us something.”

Lindell explained that based on a fair election in Florida, applying that data showed him that the county is 68% red.


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